Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Accounting - finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Accounting - finance - Essay Example Lastly, a budget is important because it is used by the management to monitor the results of operations and to take any corrective actions when such a need arises. Another concern very much applicable to a manufacturing company like ours is the proper implementation of a standard cost and variance reporting system. According to Gene Siciliano (2003, p. 134), the power of this system lies in the analysis of the differences or variances and utilizing the results of such analysis to ensure that the managers change what they are doing, all for the long-term profitability of the company. The standard cost and variance reporting system is important because it helps management measure the efficiency of each department; it aids management in pinpointing where exactly the deviations occur and in taking corrective measures accordingly; it controls costs and, lastly, it aids management in making the right decisions on which areas need to be addressed (Globusz Publishing, n.d.). HK Corporation (the Company), like a lot of companies, has its own budget and standard cost system. However, in the last few years, we have been unable to meet our budgeted targets for sales and net income before income tax making the budget fail in its goal to control our operations. I believe that our budgeting process has contributed to our failure to achieve our targets. This report that I am submitting shows why I believe this is the case. My report also contains some suggestions or recommendations on how our budgeting process can be revised to solve its problem and how we can improve on our standard costs and variance reporting systems. First of all, the top-down approach has led to inadequate allocation of resources and dissatisfaction among the managers. In fact, most often than not, after the director of finance and the other managers met to thresh out the problem areas in the budget, we see our managers often left

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Impact Of Globalisation Sociology Essay

The Impact Of Globalisation Sociology Essay Globalisation is a force to be reckoned with. The Pandora box has been opened, its influence is rapidly spreading across the globe and there is no turning back. This paper will evaluate the inferred consequences of globalisation on children and families in the state of poverty and in affluence. realisation of adaptations for the sake of survival, relevance and otherwise vested interests from external forces. Economic globalisation actively pursued by national and international policy makers through the deregulation of the domestic economy and external transactions and on the rapid technological advances of the last two decades. Includes Internationalisation of behaviours, entertainment, consumption patterns, migration, tourist flows. other aspects are more complex to assess than the effects of economic-technological globalisation discussed in this paper -Globalisation results in economic growth and helps reduce some kinds of poverty though evidence shows that globalisation does not necessary result in sustainable growth. Outline/Methodology Implications: Political, economic, social, emotional, cultural, children and family well-being in developing, transitional n developed countries Discussion Political rapid changes brought about by globalisation, necessary adoption n adaptions to changes for survival, relevance, other vested interest by state or external influences Economic ref harnessing globalisation- negligence of poor and marginal populations: economic ills of capitalism n consumerism? Disparity in distribution of resources n gains reshuffling of economic structures n behaviours resulting in successes some n further challenges for others Affects childrens well being in many various ways geographical mobility of workforce/ immigrants economic reasons such as pressure of labour supply, income disparities, -distribution issue- inequality in wealth distributionhigh inequality impedes growth in poor countries by lowering investment in human n physical capital n generating more crimes n social unrests (save the children) political asylum, refugees, displacement Proponents to eradicate poverty n reduce injustice however . social ills social injustice Mass immigration and displacement Globally, there is an increase in economic migration driven by income disparities e.g. exploitation, demand for labour supply and the advancement of information technologies. The swell in migratory flows could be attributed, among others, to rising disparity in opportunities and income available to people in their home countries vis-a-vis countries they migrate to. In the 1970s, about 640,000 Mexicans migrated to the US legally. By 2000, 7.8 Mexicans are living in the US, legally or otherwise. Mass migration leads to growing urbanisation. The percentage of the worlds population living in cities rose from 29% to 47% (to about 2.8billion) in the last 50 years. Most of the growth took place in the developing world the number of urban residents jumped from 17% in 1950 to 40% or 1.9billion people in 2000. This is expected to double in the next 30 years. Increased Migration and Displacement An estimated 50 to 200 million people in the world could be displaced by the next 40 to 50 years due to climate change (63). Both gradual and extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels are the main drivers of such increased migrations. While most will move within their own countries, many will also cross international borders (64). A research by Save the Children exploring the movement of children within and between countries found that children tend to move with their parents (66). Nevertheless, many children do move independently due to various reasons. Some do so to find work to support their families. Others could be forcibly separated from their families due to uncontrollable circumstances eg. war and natural disasters. Yet many chose this path to escape from poverty, exploitation, abuse, calamities or even to pursue better educational opportunities. Moving alone to a foreign or unfamiliar location can pose grave dangers for children. Those without relevant identification papers, for example, are often denied basic services such as healthcare, education and social welfare (67). Such children also face the risk of exploitation and abuse. In 2008, armed conflicts and natural disasters accounted for the displacement of 63 million people. The biggest sufferers were usually children and women. Children displaced under such circumstances are housed in temporary shelters and resettlement camps. They are exposed to diseases associated with overcrowding, chief among them are pneumonia (biggest global killer for children under fire), measles, malaria and diarrhoea. These disease outbreaks result in dire consequences as children are most vulnerable due to lack of proper healthcare and sanitation. Malnutrition tend to be higher for children residing in such refugee camps due to limited food supply (68). Besides facing separation from their families, displaced children and their parents often lose access to essential health services. Climate-induced migration is likely to increase in future. Governments should come together and formulate national and international policies, legislation and services to protect migrant children and their families. Large scale humanitarian protection and help are needed to support them. With the influx of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to any given country threatens the local infrastructures on food, clean water and shelter. With the relentless appetite of capitalism and growing urbanisation in many countries, consumerism drives the market forces threatens the sustainable environment. As the world becomes increasingly borderless, mass migration further extends the perimeters of diversity in multicultural societies and creates disequilibrium (positive or negative) to homogenous societies. Impact of urbanisation Urbanisation and Overcrowding Over half of the worlds population now live in cities. It is estimated that some 900 million urban-dwellers in low and middle income countries are living in poverty; 800 million people lack access to decent sanitation, and about 650 million people do not have water access(70). Slums and overcrowding plague many cities today. Poorly constructed homes and densely populated areas pose greater risks of fires, disease outbreaks and disasters. Many children from poor homes living in such cities are in danger due to poor sanitation, contaminated water and hazardous waste (71). In an era of global warming, a 1 degree rise in temperature could mean global children deaths of more than 20,000 a year due to air pollution. In developing and poor countries, about one-third of children are stunted and children under 5 have a mortality rate 5-20 times higher than rich countries with adequate access to healthcare and nutrition(73). Today, about 3.3 billion people (50% of the worlds population compared to 15% in 1990) live in urban areas. This is expected to increase to 5.3 billion people come 2050(74). Migrants from the rural areas move to the cities in search of better lives, higher wages and economic stability. Urbanisation is perceived to offer more stability from climate change for people who come from agricultural and natural resource-based livelihoods. Taxing on local infrastructures, for example water and food, to support the influx of Social impact on family life Social Globalisation marks the end of the family as we have known it until now, but it is not the disappearance of the family but its profound diversification (Castells, 1997:139;222). The worldwide trend in increasing divorce rates, many involving couples with young children, is pushing the likelihood of single parenthood as an alternative viable lifestyle. There is an upward trend of single-parent households with dependent children (usually headed by a woman) in developed and developing countries. In Brazil, the percentage of such households rose from 14% in 1980 to 20% in1989 and the trend is increasing. (Castells, 1997:147-52). Such a trend suggests that as more women join the workforce, the traditional role of caring for the family diminishes. This affects the proper upbringing of children with the tendency to push such responsibility to the educational institutions, provided they are available and/or affordable. Inequality and Social Injustice Income Inequality The richest 5% people in the world receive 114 times the income of the poorest 5% population. The top 25 richest Americans earn as much as 2 billion of the worlds poorest. The income gap between the rich and the middle-class/poor continues to widen in the developing and developed economies. This globalisation trend is altering the structures of families, economies and society the constant struggle for the have-nots to aspire to be among the elite haves would prove costly for families and their children. If sharp increases in inequality persist, they may have dire effects on human development, and social stability (including violence and crime (UNDP, 2003a:39). The need for any protectionist policies in any given society speaks of social injustice. It is recommended that government under the UNCRC agreement uphold the rights of children regardless of their nationality status. Children should be rendered political immunity regardless of parents nationality status as asylum seekers, refugees, or stateless persons. -social unrest, An example is the area of global crime rates. Globalisation is creating a ballooning underclass that is struggling due to growing income gaps and lack of job opportunities. This creates the ideal environment for criminal syndicates who are spreading cancerous crimes that exploit and victimise women and children e.g. drug trafficking, human trafficking, illegal trade of diamonds from African countries. In the 1990s, trading of illegal drugs accounted for $400 billion about 8% of world trade. Human trafficking (especially women and children) reached 4 million. More than half a million were for the sex industry in the western countries (George and Wilding, 2002:55). Gender inequality is prevalent in most patriarchal societies. If one gender is considered more economically and socially viable then another, Additional Burden on Women Additional Burdens for Women -In developing countries, women bear the responsibilities of feeding and caring their children, in addition to assisting in food production (farming and/or household) or buying food from local markets. Domestic responsibilities also weigh in, such as collecting fuel and water, besides caring for the aged at home. Education has been identified as vital for women. It empowers them with the essential knowledge for maternal, newborn and child survival, and in particular, teaching their children on how to adapt to climate change. It means life and death. Children of mothers with no education are more than twice as likely to die or be malnourished than children of mothers with at least secondary education (76). But in a scenario of natural disaster or armed conflict, girls are first to be pulled out of school to bring in more income or do housework. Women must be consulted and involved in strategies to adapt to climate changes. They know best on how to make necessary communal changes and protect children from natural disasters. Unless women are given leadership roles, involved in decision-making and implementation, any effort in managing climate change would be futile. roles of parents, women, family structure, child rearing practices -changes in family structure, more demand for women in the workforce, demand for early childhood services, switching roles mothers as breadwinners and fathers becoming homemakers or househusbands Cultural belief system, Individualistic or collective societal perspective. Metropolitan /cosmopolitan countries outcomes of assimilation or adaptation of cross cultural interactions. Strive to achieve an equilibrium. culture is transient. Evolution of cultures or conversions of religion brought about by conquest, coercion,n adaptations or adoptions thought exchanges and interactions. Evolution in cultural beliefs and practices has direct impact on children n families, causes transitional disequilibrium from set beliefs to new influences. adjustments to new cultural framework creates perplexity that affects family structure n function thereby affecting childrens sense if identity n belonging. While most parts of the world have been exposed to Western influences, the existence of indigenous cultures has not been threatened. Global Warming Greenhouse gasses, emitted by industrialised countries due to higher demand for goods and services emphatically point to the fact that most of the global warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities (UNEP, 2002:3). Massive use of fuel, coal, gas flaring, cement production, plastic, power etc lead to carbon dioxide emissions. The Greenhouse effects -floods, drought, typhoons, desertification, deforestation, rising water levels are now experienced by countries throughout the world. Water supply, food crops, diseases are creating havoc costing lives, reducing food supply, migrations, children and their families suffer. Climate change has been identified as the biggest global health threat to children in the 21st century. The sum effects of climate change put children at greatest risk from malnutrition, disease, water scarcity and natural disasters resulting in the disintegration of healthcare services and infrastructure. Children under 5 years are most vulnerable to its consequences (1). In poor and developing countries, diseases and conditions including diarrhoea, malaria, measles, pneumonia and malnutrition contribute to the high number of deaths of children. About one-third of the global childhood disease problems are linked to changeable factors in food, soil, water and air. With climate change, these problems will worsen eg. access to clean water becomes more difficult making children more susceptible to diarrhoea, a major killer for young children. Natural disasters such as drought, floods and typhoons brought about from changes in the climate add to the woes of children. Besides diseases, children are denied proper healthcare services. Food shortages worsen the childrens plight, adding problems of under-nutrition and starvation. The impact made by climate change on food security, healthcare, clean water supply and livelihoods has a profound influence on urbanisation, migration, poverty and armed conflict. These in turn affect the lives of children and their survival. Poor families, many whom are already struggling, could be pushed into the deeper end of their troubles bringing about long term consequences on their childrens survival. For example, children from the poorest 20% of households in many developing countries have up to 5 times the mortality rate of children from the richest 20% households (12). Beyond these, there are other secondary and structural causes of child deaths. Examples include poor healthcare facilities, inadequate water supply and sanitation, poverty, maternal education and inequality. Climate change exacerbates these conditions by loading more burdens on fragile states who are already struggling with providing children with the most basic needs. How well communities or states adapt and cope with climate change and its impact on existing vulnerabilities will determine a childs survival chances. Millions of children in these areas suffer from malnutrition and babies are born malnourished and/or with anomalies. Childhood at Risk AIDS today is a worldwide problem and globalisation has played no small part in the spread of this disease. UNAIDS estimates that 13.2 million of children in the world aged 15 and below have lost their parents and 90% of them live in the Sub-Saharan Africa. Numbers are growing in central Asia and Eastern Europe. Young people are at the core of the AIDS epidemic, In many places this is actually an epidemic among teenagers (UNAIDS Director Dr Peter Plot quoted in Irish Times, 24 Feb 2004). AIDS through heterosexual transmission is prevalent in Africa. Young girls are seen as men as clean: and they are most at risk. In many parts of the world ie Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia, Caribbean countries, 20-48% of girls between 10-15 years were forced to have their first sexual encounter. Child Soldiers According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW), an estimated 300,000 young children serve in paramilitary or armed groups in more than 30 conflict regions. Some of the countries with such child soldiers include Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Iran and Papua New Guinea. Abduction of children from their homes is a commonly used accompanied by death threats to enforce joining the military force. These children are forced to witness and participate in atrocities eg beheading, rape, amputations, burning people alive. Girls are raped and sexually abused, some given to commanders as wives. Cultural Globalisation Majority of women in developing countries perform housework, work in agriculture or work in the informal sector. The patriarchal society in these countries demand that household chores are the mainstay of females while work, whether formal or informal, is a mere extension of their duties. Under such circumstances, women choose work in an informal sector to care for their children and earn additional income for basic necessities, usually because their husbands dont bring home enough money. They cannot seek formal employment due to their family responsibilities. Employment in the informal sector is still gender biased men are still in supervisory or management positions with higher wages, while women are simply subcontract workers. Assembly work and production factories are filled with women since unemployedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦men refused to participate in their wives informal work because they felt they could be called away at any time for a waged job (Ward 1990). Such a double standard, ironically, leads to survival for females in developing countries they can maintain their domestic roles and yet not rely solely on their husbands. Another issue confronting women and their children in the developing countries is that unpaid domestic tasks are private rather than social and because they are both unpaid and private, there is no social system of incentives, of rewards and penalties, to encourage change (Elson 1992). Wives lack access to the public sector where job opportunities exist. Such a vulnerability render women helpless but to depend on their husbands for finances and even endure abuse. Despite the discrimination, women have shown resilience in taking on the responsibilities of caring for their children when their husbands leave. They take on informal sector jobs and are still able to fulfil their domestic needs. Governments in developing countries are not doing enough or even denying their women opportunities to effectuate their strengths to the fullest potential. Globalisation today has not changed that. But continued globalisation may mean in time to come, governments in developing countries cannot ignore the potential to harness the talents and strengths of the female workforce.

Friday, October 25, 2019

History of Social Security Essay -- Government Economy Economics Essay

History of Social Security Is it time to privatize Social Security? Many believe the system will not be able to meet all its obligations by the year 2012. They say Social Security will begin paying out more in benefits than it collects in revenue. To continue meeting its obligations, the system will have to begin drawing on the surplus in the Social Security Trust Fund. However, for many years the federal government has used the trust to disguise the actual size of the federal budget deficit, borrowing money from the trust fund to pay current operating expenses and replacing the money with government bonds, essentially an IOU. Proponents for privatizing Social Security people should be allowed the freedom to invest their Social Security taxes. On the other hand contrary to the beliefs of many, there is a strong case to be made that Social Security is sound now and will continue to be sound indefinitely. The major threat to the system comes from the proposals to fix it. Privatization presents perhaps the most s erious threat to date; it would place individuals retirement savings at considerable risk, force the creation of huge government bureaucracies, and leech Social Security assets out of the system and into the coffers of brokerage and banks. In my research paper I will focus on both arguments of Social Security. Those who believe Social Security should be privatized and those who believe it would be a big mistake to privatize Social Security. Before I go into those perspectives I will focus on the inception of the Social Security System, to give the reader background information on how the system developed. The creation of a national social security system in the United States started with the Social Security Act on ... ... BIBLIOGRAPHY Baker, Dean."Privatizing Social Security: The Wall Street Fix". Kotlikoff, Laurence."Rescuing Social Securtiy." Challenge Nov/Dec 1996: 22-26 Lieberman, Trudy. "Social Insecurity: The Campaign to take the System Private." The Nation 20 Jan 1997: 11-18 Mashaw, Jerry. "The Great Social Security Scare". http// Schnepper A.Jeff."Privatizing Social Security."USA Today May 1996: 25-28 Tanner, Micheal. "Privatizing Social Security: The Social Security Debate." Challenge Nov/Dec. 1996: 19-23 Tanner, Micheal. "Privatizing Social Security: A Big Boost for the Poor." Wasow, Bernard. "Privatizing Social Security". http// Weinberger,Mark."Social Security: Facing the Facts".

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Muhammad Yunus

Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Yunus is a banker to the poor and economist who was born on 28 June 1940 in Bangladesh. He was a professor of economics and is famous for his work in microcredit. Professor Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in 1983 to help the poor by giving out small loans. He turned the idea into  Grameen Bank, which has made small loans to more than 7. 5 million people now. His first loan was $27 given from his own pocket. This $27 was loaned to 42 women in the village, who made a profit of $0. 2 each from the loan. The activity of the Grameen Bank is known around the world. Its ideas have been used throughout the world including USA, China, Malaysia, India etc. More than 94% of these loans have been given to women to improve their lives and escape poverty. The Norwegian Nobel Committee decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, divided into two equal parts, to  Muhammad Yunus  and  Grameen Bank  Ã¢â‚¬Å"for their efforts to create economic and social development from below†.Muhammad Yunus has received several other awards. Microcredit means giving small loans. These loans are given to poor people. To qualify for a loan, the villager must demonstrate that their family owns less than one half acre of land. The activity of Grameen Bank has not been limited to just Bangladesh but also around the world. Grameen helps the world’s poorest, especially women, improve their lives and escape poverty. More than 94% of Grameen loans have been given to women, who have less money and give more to their families.Grameen Bank was the first lender to hand out microcredit, giving very small loans to poor Bangladeshis who did not qualify for loans from normal banks. The bank has provided $5. 72 billion dollars to over 6 million families in Bangladesh. These loans average $200. With 1,417 branches, Grameen provides services in 51,000 villages, covering three quarters of all the villages in Bangladesh. This system was so successful that even beggars had been able to borrow money.The people who have enough money has many banks to support them, but those who don’t have anything, traditional banking system, that’s why Muhammad Yunus created the Grameen Bank and thus winning the Nobel Prize for Peace. The main aim of the traditional bank is to provide loan in exchange of depositing the property or other assets with interest. There is no scope/eligibility for the poor to do anything without any investment, but in the concept of Grameen Bank, Dr. Yunus has made his microcredit policy to provide banking service without any deposition.Muhammad Yunus is the recipient of numerous international awards for his ideas and endeavors, including the Mohamed Shabdeen Award for Science (1993), Sri Lanka; Humanitarian Award (1993), CARE, USA; World Food Prize (1994), World Food Prize Foundation, USA; Independence Day Award (1987), Bangladesh's highest award; King Hussein Humanitarian Leaders hip Award (2000), King Hussein Foundation, Jordan; Volvo Environment Prize (2003), Volvo Environment Prize Foundation, Sweden; Nikkei Asia Prize for Regional Growth (2004), Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan; Franklin D.Roosevelt Freedom Award (2006), Roosevelt Institute of The Netherlands; and the Seoul Peace Prize (2006), Seoul Peace Prize Cultural Foundation, Seoul, Korea. He also is a member of the board of the United Nations Foundation. Yunus received the U. S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and the U. S. Congressional Gold Medal in 2012. â€Å"If banks made large loans, he made small loans. If banks required paperwork, his loans were for the illiterate. Whatever banks did, he did the opposite,† marvels Sam Daley-Harris, director of the Microcredit Summit Campaign. He's a genius. † â€Å"Microcredit is something which is not going to disappear†¦ because this is a need of the people,† Mr. Yunus told the BBC in 2002. Bibliography â€Å"Press Release â₠¬â€œ Nobel Peace Prize 2006†. Nobelprize. org. 17 Apr 2013 http://www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2006/press. html Muhammad Yunus: Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Grameen-info. org. 17 Apr 2013. http://www. grameeninfo. org/index. php? option=com_content&task=view&id=404&Itemid=199 Yunus Wins Nobel Prize. 006. Nbcnews. com. 17 Apr 2013. http://www. nbcnews. com/id/15246216/ns/business-world_business/t/yunus-wins-peace-nobel-anti-poverty-efforts/ The New Heroes: Muhammad Yunus. Pbs. org. 17 Apr 2013 http://www. pbs. org/opb/thenewheroes/meet/yunus. html Muhammad Yunus: Worlds Banker to the Poor. 2 Mar 20011. Bbbc. co. uk. 17 Apr 2013 http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-south-asia-11901625. Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus Visits Quinnipiac. Qunnipiac. edu. 17 Apr 2013.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mythological Language Essay

â€Å"Mythological language raises very difficult if not impossible problems.† Discuss this statement by examining both verification and falsification. â€Å"A myth is a symbolic approximate expression of truth, which the human mind cannot perceive sharply and completely, but can only glimpse vaguely, and therefore cannot adequately or accurately express.† – Millar Burrows. In the context of religion, myths can be taken to mean stories about God which have vital meanings for an individual, a community, a nation or the cosmos. Myths embody and express claims which cannot be expressed in any other way. Myth is the most complex type of symbolic language because it uses symbols, metaphors and imagery. They use them to explain the unexplainable and to give insights into human existence. Mythology does not convey information that isn’t true. They convey concepts that go way beyond the true/false descriptors. They express stories that are â€Å"other worldly†. They allow humans to gain insight into two very important questions; the cosmological question about the meaning of life and the existential question about emotions, feelings, believing etc. Mythological language was used a lot by the biblical writers. They have been included in the ideas such as creation, the fall and the flood. Within the Bible myths also attempt to explain the mystery of human origins and human nature. There have been a brave set of people over the last forty years, who have chosen to say a lot of religious statements are myths – which has challenged existing beliefs. There are of course many examples of religious myths and there are tree ways in which the word myth can be used in religious language: * The myth could be a story which isn’t true, but has some other value. Braithwaite believed that they were inspirational as they make us motivated. * It could be a literary device. Ineffable, i.e. beyond language, unexplainable. * A method of interpreting â€Å"ultimate reality†. They open up like symbols, they have new levels of reality or as Randal argues their purpose is to bind communities together. Biblical stories which seem meaningless to scientists are more understandable if you think of them as another language. Myths are extremely powerful in their metaphor or symbolic meanings. If you don’t take a literal view, and you consider the Bible is supposed to be recording history or science then yes, a lot of the Bible is false. For example, can you calculate the age of the world from the Bible? Yes, if you take it literally, but that would be wrong because scientists have enough evidence to prove that the world is much older than that. What one does, if we interpret the Bible in a mythological sense, is side step the facts to make them more meaningful i.e. â€Å"the world is a few thousand years old,† could just simply be saying God made it. So referring to the statement, â€Å"mythological language raises very difficult if not impossible problems† It is clear that even more than symbols, myths seem outdated. In the 19th century, D.F. Strauss suggested that we need to shift the focus of myth from â€Å"the story of a miraculous occurrence, to the story of a miraculous occurrence.† This basically means in the first case, it is assumed that an objective true narrative about a miracle is being expressed, in the second, that an embodied religious truth is being conveyed in a story form and isn’t necessarily true. Another critic of the use of mythological language was Rudolph Bultmann who said that we must not take myths literally. The Bible should be seen as a myth and only by reading the Bible as mythological text can we fully understand it. The Bible was written in a pre-scientific age when mythological language had a lot of meaning, i.e. the three levels of Hell, Earth and Heaven. Now that the world view has changed we have got to strip the Bible of its myths so that we can understand it again. Bultmann doesn’t mean cut them out, he means re-interpret them, demythologise them. He believed that it is impractical for humanity in modern times to believe such outdated stories: â€Å"It is impossible to use electric light and the wireless and to avail ourselves of modern medical and surgical discoveries and, at the same time, to believe in the New Testament of demons and spirits.† â€Å"The real point of a myth is not to give an objective world picture; what is expressed in it, rather is how we human beings understand ourselves with the world.† Bultmann’s main example of a myth was Luke’s explanation of Jesus being born in a stable. Strip away the myths and you see that it’s saying God can be found in the most humble and excluded parts of the world. Also the resurrection, he suggests is showing the re-invention of the people as they become Christians. Bultmann claims myth made it harder to grasp the Biblical truth. However, if you start doing this, then you end up saying that mythical language is meaningless, which is wrong because you shouldn’t underestimate myth and its power. However it undermines their status as true accounts and events. Yet some believers take them to be true which of course gives them meaning. Another philosopher to agree with the statement is Richard Dawkins, who commented in ‘The God Delusion’, â€Å"†¦much of the bible is†¦ just plain weird, as you would expect of a chaotically cobbled-together anthology of disjointed documents, composed, revised, translated, distorted and ‘improved’ by hundreds of anonymous authors..† He could also have added that this was put together during the course of many centuries. Significantly the difference between Bultmann and Dawkins is that Bultmann still maintained that there was truth to be extracted from the mythological narrative once the myth was stripped away. However, those who are in support of myth, claim that, since religious language is anti-realist, it is not concerned with making true or false statements. J.W. Rogerson wrote: â€Å"Because myths have their birth not in logic but in intuitions of transcendence, they are of value to traditions that seek to describe the action of the other worldly in the present world.† So in conclusion, it is important to understand how myths should be interpreted rather than being concerned to establish what the facts of the matter actually are. We have to remember how these stories were heard, i.e. in the context of simple people. This was a language they could understand and images and pictures that related to ordinary readers and listeners to religious works. This allowed the underlying meanings to be absorbed without needing a great education.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Role Of Men In Ancient Greece

â€Å"We do not simply regard a man who does not participate in the city's life as one who just minds his own business, but as one who is good for nothing.† Pericles’ Funeral Oration The role of men in ancient Greece was one of power, prestige and honour. Men were given the most responsibility and therefore considered to be the most important people in archaic Greece. Societal status was based upon the quality of ones character- knowledge, strength and integrity- rather than on ones wealth, political position or ancestry. Men were the citizens who held power in city-states; it was the men’s character, behaviour and important values that were praised and celebrated by society. Writers from ancient Greece reflected these values of masculinity in their works. In Homers the â€Å"Iliad†, the set of principles his characters adhere to are qualities that became known as Homeric values: honour, status, and power. Each of the characters in the â€Å"Iliad† is trying to achieve these. In Sophocles’ tragedy â€Å"Oedipus the King†, depending on perspective, the character Oedipus demonstrates two different sets of values. Oedipus displays all the virtues of an ideal Greek citizen, yet from the reverse perspective he embodies the exact opposite. Sophocles’ also depicts the moral values of archaic Greece in his play â€Å"Antigone†. He displays the relationship and reactions between men and women in effect portraying the differentiating gender roles in ancient Greece. In factual historical accounts of ancient Greece, the historian Thucydides described the values that held significance in his era of Greek society. Through the works of ancient Greek playwrights, story tellers and historians, it is made evident what personified the men that were valued by Greek society. To be able to identify with the values of ancient Greece one must know a little of the history of these people. It shows the roots of the moral codes and clar... Free Essays on The Role Of Men In Ancient Greece Free Essays on The Role Of Men In Ancient Greece â€Å"We do not simply regard a man who does not participate in the city's life as one who just minds his own business, but as one who is good for nothing.† Pericles’ Funeral Oration The role of men in ancient Greece was one of power, prestige and honour. Men were given the most responsibility and therefore considered to be the most important people in archaic Greece. Societal status was based upon the quality of ones character- knowledge, strength and integrity- rather than on ones wealth, political position or ancestry. Men were the citizens who held power in city-states; it was the men’s character, behaviour and important values that were praised and celebrated by society. Writers from ancient Greece reflected these values of masculinity in their works. In Homers the â€Å"Iliad†, the set of principles his characters adhere to are qualities that became known as Homeric values: honour, status, and power. Each of the characters in the â€Å"Iliad† is trying to achieve these. In Sophocles’ tragedy â€Å"Oedipus the King†, depending on perspective, the character Oedipus demonstrates two different sets of values. Oedipus displays all the virtues of an ideal Greek citizen, yet from the reverse perspective he embodies the exact opposite. Sophocles’ also depicts the moral values of archaic Greece in his play â€Å"Antigone†. He displays the relationship and reactions between men and women in effect portraying the differentiating gender roles in ancient Greece. In factual historical accounts of ancient Greece, the historian Thucydides described the values that held significance in his era of Greek society. Through the works of ancient Greek playwrights, story tellers and historians, it is made evident what personified the men that were valued by Greek society. To be able to identify with the values of ancient Greece one must know a little of the history of these people. It shows the roots of the moral codes and clar...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Midnight in Paris Analysis Essays

Midnight in Paris Analysis Essays Midnight in Paris Analysis Essay Midnight in Paris Analysis Essay Essay Topic: A Farewell to Arms In the film Midnight in Paris . there are a batch of interesting sights in the most beautiful metropolis in the universe. During the movie. Woody Allen showed us how Paris is beautiful in the forenoon. charming in the afternoon. and enrapturing in the eventide. but it is charming and has a batch of surprising things after midnight. Get downing with the Eiffel Tower. there were a batch of iconic shootings of Paris at its most touristic points like its beautiful streets under the rain. the celebrated river in the metropolis La Seine . and the wide gardens that makes this metropolis the most beautiful finish for the celebrated creative persons who were looking for a quiet topographic point to develop their endowment as authors. The film is a nice combination of Paris in 2010 and Paris in the yesteryear. when the celebrated creative persons and authors were there like Ernest Hamingway. F Scott Fitzgerald. Picasso. Gertrud Stein. and Salvador Dali. Throughout the film the manager didn’t merely demo us Paris and its tourer locations. but besides took us to destinations out of the metropolis such as Versailles and Monet’s gardens in Giverny. Then. there were all the warmly illuminated shootings of the coffeehouse. eating houses. and the celebrated stores such as Coco Channel and Dior. In add-on. the beauty of the sights and the exposures grabbed the viewer’s attending to desire to watch this film and to detect a batch of more information about some of the most celebrated creative persons in the early nineteenth century. The film Midnight in Paris . had win with engagement of group of people who were capable and successful in their occupation as creative persons. The author and manager was Woody Allen. and the lead histrions were: Owen Wilson. Rachel Mc Adams. and Kathy Bates. The dramatis personae was by Marian Cotillard. Michael Sheen. Adrien Brody. and Alison Pill. The studio was Gravier Production. Mediapro. Televisio de catalunya TV3. and it was made in May 20. 2011 by Sony Pictures Classics. The romantic comedy phantasy movie had many incredible minutes get downing by detecting the metropolis in the minute to going back in clip each dark after midnight. On one manus. the film had a batch of interesting minutes between the yesteryear and the present. The narrative was about an American household who went to France for a concern trip. and the two immature people Gil and his bride-to-be were engaged to be married even though their outlook and their thought were different. She used to reason with him all the clip and she didn’t like him to be a author every bit much as to work in Hollywood. Gil was the sort of individual who likes to compose and to be a successful author. and by the clip he was in Paris. he believed that this ity is the lone topographic point he will happen himself in. Suddenly. and while he was walking around the Parisian streets. he found himself coming back in clip to the nineteenth Century when all the celebrated authors and painters were at that place. Therefore. this minute Gil had a large alteration in his life. Get downing by interrupting up with his bride-to-be and falling in love with a Gallic adult fem ale. He found himself with the stars of art in Paris in its aureate clip. and he didn’t believe that he had a batch of conversations with the best author of all time. Ernest Hamingway. On the other manus. Paris in its aureate clip was the best finish for a batch of creative persons around the universe. Ernest Hamingway was an American writer and journalist who chose to populate in the metropolis of art. Paris in the aureate age. His economical and unostentatious manner had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction. while his life of escapade and his public image influenced ulterior coevalss. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s. and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels. six short narrative aggregations. and two non-fiction plants. Three novels. four aggregations of short narratives. and three non-fiction plants were published posthumously. Many of these are considered classics of American literature. Hemingway was raised in Oak Park. Illinois. After high school. he reported for a few months for The Kansas City Star before go forthing for the Italian forepart to enlist with the World War I ambulance drivers. In 1918. he was earnestly wounded and returned place. His wartime experiences formed the footing for his novel. A Farewell to Arms. In 1922. he married Hadley Richardson. the first of his four married womans. The twosome moved to Paris. where he worked as a foreign letter writer. and fell under the influence of the modernist authors and creative persons of the 1920s Lost Generation expatriate community. The Sun Besides Rises. Hemingway’s foremost novel. was published in 1926. In my sentiment as a spectator. Hemingway was one of the most interesting personalities in the film because he had made a alteration on batch of creative persons after him and he was a good illustration for those want to be successful in their life as a Gil. and the most interesting portion in the film was the conversation that was in the old Peugeot auto when they were speaking about work forces and their fright of decease. Last. Midnight in Paris . had bundle of information everyone should cognize. Thus. I recommend watching this film. because it wasn’t merely a narrative like what we normally see in other movies. but had much information about some celebrated creative persons in the nineteenth century. Besides. we went back with the film to see how those people used to populate in nice and quiet universe particularly in the art metropolis. Personally. I liked the film from the beginning to the terminal. because and while I was watching it. I enjoyed its quiet music they used to listen to. The music and the rain in the Parisian streets had made a beautiful image about this metropolis and besides I enjoyed seeing some touristical topographic points I had visited while I was in holiday at that place. In add-on. I liked the narrative about Gil and how he was promoting himself to acquire on the right manner in the art. by holding a good self-pride. even though he had a batch of obstructions with his bride-to-be and her parents.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Unbeknownst Unbeknownst Unbeknownst By Maeve Maddox A British reader questions what he sees as a recent use of unbeknownst: Curious about the current (British/Irish English only?) replacement of unknown to him by unbeknown/unbeknownst to him (university students work attests to it in yoof-speak, and BBC documentaries to it in them elder lemons what should beknow better). Is this also creeping into American English? Partial paraphrase of the reader’s comment: The writing of university students offers evidence that â€Å"unbeknownst to him† is current in youth slang, and the phrase occurs in BBC documentaries written by old-timers who should know better than to use it. Although some speakers feel that unbeknownst â€Å"sounds medieval,† it is a fairly recent coinage, although not as recent as the reader seems to think: it dates from the 19th century. The first OED citation is from a letter written by novelist Mrs. Gaskell: You dont see me, but I often am sitting in the rocking-chair unbeknownst to you. (1848) The phrase â€Å"unbeknown to,† on the other hand, is documented as early as 1636. How the -st became attached to the word is- well- unknown. A Google search indicates that the phrases â€Å"unbeknown to him† and â€Å"unbeknownst to him† are in use, but they rank far behind the more conventional â€Å"unknown to him†: 1. â€Å"unbeknown to him† About 151,000 results   2. â€Å"unbeknownst to him† About 391,000 results   3. â€Å"unknown to him† About 12,800,000 results On the Ngram Viewer, Number One does not even show; Number Two makes a slight showing, and Number Three shows a marked decline in 1900, but remains well ahead of â€Å"unbeknownst to him.† As for the phrase’s â€Å"creeping into American English,† it did that eighty-four years after Mrs. Gaskell used it- in Light in August by William Faulkner: â€Å"Interfering with his work unbeknownst to him.† The use of unbeknownst in modern English is probably best described as â€Å"jocular† or â€Å"colloquial,† although it can be found in professional contexts: Description of a car accident, NBC News Unbeknownst to the first people who tried to help the victim of the crash, an adult male, the water was electrified. Report of an experiment, Chicago Booth, publication of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Unbeknownst to them, the first part of the experiment served simply to expose them, in the form of a celebrity-trivia quiz, to pictures of high-profile, successful individuals. Article about deception, Wired. Unbeknownst to the subject, the boy is wearing a radio receiver in his ear, and every word he says is transmitted to him by a 37-year-old university professor sitting in a nearby room. Article about stress of modern life, The New Republic Unbeknownst to her at the time, a shooting had occurred the previous day in the same neighborhood.   Feature about racism among children, PBS Frontline Unbeknownst to his parents, he had started a blog, which they only learned about when another parent called to warn them. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good WithWork of Art TitlesEnglish Grammar 101: Prepositions

Saturday, October 19, 2019

From E Business Support to Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

From E Business Support to Strategy - Essay Example The internet, intranet, mobile networks and other types of digital expertise have made a functional value chain with customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and traders synchronized in the new age of web marketing. The apparatus and pillars of e-business strategies consist of online advertising, receipt of payments over the Internet, on-line dealings and auction transactions over the Internet. E-business strategies vary for small and medium scale businesses. E-business strategies also create profits from current channel integrity maintenance, paid marketing deals, franchisees and subscriptions. (E-business Strategy, n.d.) E-business strategies use information and communications technology to enhance businesses. E-business is more concretely defined as the transformation that takes place in business processes due to the application of technologies and new ideas to deliver additional and improved customer value. (Andam, 2003, p.7). The introduction of the internet and other network and web technologies has made companies rely more and more on e-business strategies. An up-to-date e-business strategy generally consists of effective and efficient management of the supply chain to guarantee enhanced coordination between the wholesalers and the dealers of different products. This means to synchronize the entire supply chain starting from the source up till the ultimate delivery of the products. The value chain framework also involves the value shop and value network. Service providers like hospitals or consulting firms create value through the value shop process while, the brokering or intermediary actions (like banking and telephone companies) are carried out through value network management (Torbay, Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2001, p. 6). E-business strategies are also used to enhance customer services and build better customer relationship management to ensure the utmost level of customer satisfaction.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Internet and Direct Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internet and Direct Marketing - Essay Example t marketing has evolved as an important tool for organizations which seeks to eliminate the presence of â€Å"middle man† from the promotion process of an organization. Direct marketing acts as a tool by which marketing messages of organizations can be directly provided to potential consumers. It comprises newspaper advertising, door-to-door selling, and also selling over the telephone by organizations. It involves selling goods and services directly to customers rather than through retailers. Zenith Electronics LLC is a major producer of electronic consumer products, including television receivers, radios, and stereo equipment. Each of these product lines is the responsibility of a product manager. The product line of modular stereo systems of Zenith is called the Allegro line. Each system consists of an AM-FM tuner/amplifier plus phonograph plus tape deck and separate speakers. The company offers 13 different models that sell in the $ 150-$ 400 range. A modular stereo system differs on the one hand from stereo consoles, in which all of the components are built into one cabinet, and on the other hand from audio component systems, where consumers select unrelated but compatible components to make up the systems they want (Chaffey et al, 2012, p. 51). The company also produces a line of stereo console units, but the console market is in a state of decline as consumers switch to smaller sound systems. Zenith does not produce audio components but has considered it from time to time. The main goal of the company is to increase its market share and profitability in the modular-stereo-system market. Direct marketing strategies of an organization should begin with a reliable database of consumers (Tapp et al, 2014, p. 71). The strategies with regard to direct marketing must be able to build consumer value through the adoption of an approach that is considered as more personalized and also more customized for service and product offerings. The distribution processes of the

Engineering and construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Engineering and construction - Essay Example ............................................ 30 Task 1 Laminar flow Laminar flow is a type of flow where fluids generally move at low velocity. The layers of the fluid slide by one another. There is no lateral mixing of the fluid and no formation of eddies, cross current or any swirls. Particles of the fluid move in straight line in orderly manner parallel to the boundary walls which can be seen in straight sections of pipes. It generally occurs at a Reynolds number below critical value of 2040. Turbulent flow Turbulent flow is a type of flow that occurs in large velocities characterized with the formation of eddies, swirls and other disturbances in the flow pattern. There is irregularity of flow pattern, fluctuating nature of flow, and diffusivity of particles due to rapid lateral mixing. There is a rapid change in pressure and velocity happening with respect to the space and time. The drag due to boundary layer skin friction is increasing and the overall drag often reduces due to t he changing of structure and location of boundary layers. It generally occurs at a Reynolds number greater than 2040. Uniform Flow Uniform flow occurs when the terminal velocity of the flow is reached. This phenomenon arises when the loss of potential energy in flow is equal to the work done against the channel surface friction. If flow properties are the same at every location along the channel, the flow is uniform. dy/dx = 0. The energy line, water surface and channel bottom becomes all parallel thereby creating uniform flow. So= Sf . In a uniform flow, the velocity can be expressed only as a function of time. According to Eulerian, it is described as   Non-Uniform Flow Non-uniform flow is a type of flow for fluids where the velocity and other hydrodynamic parameters at a particular instant of time is not the same at all points. Change in parameter occur both in points where flow is in the same direction and perpendicular to the direction. The perpendicular non-uniformity is enc ountered near solid boundaries where the fluid passes through. This can be explained by the no-slip condition which occurs when the viscosity tries to reduce the relative velocity of fluid to zero. Steady Flow A steady flow is a type of flow where the hydrodynamic properties of fluid do not change at particular location and time. However, this flow is restricted with space but not with time. There is a required frame of reference. For example, in a laminar flow within a sphere, the flow is kept stationary and steady with respect to the shape of the object. Using the Eulerian approach, a steady flow is described as, and Unsteady Flow An unsteady flow is a type of flow where the hydrodynamic parameters and fluid properties at a particular point changes with respect to time. Turbulent flow is generally unsteady in nature. Reynolds Number Reynolds number denoted by Re is a dimensionless number. It represents a critical quantity to determine the type of flow of fluids, whether it is lami nar or turbulent. It is a ratio of the inertial forces to the viscous forces of fluid. Laminar flow occurs at low Reynolds number while turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds number. [4] where: = The mean velocity of the object relative to the fluid. The unit is m/s L = Characteristic linear dimension. The unit is m ? = Dynamic viscosity of the fluid. The unit is kg/(m ·s) ? = Kinematic viscosity. The unit is (m?/s) = The density of the fluid. The unit is kg/m? Bernoulli's Theorem Bernoulli's theorem states than in a flow which has no viscosity or inviscid flow, there

Foreign aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Foreign aid - Essay Example These countries constantly rely on the good will of the developed countries for their survival. Randel & German (2013) say that multilateral aid is the aid offered by other organizations such as financial institutions, associations and agencies to needy countries. Third world countries have been seen to acquire a lot of multi-lateral aid from institutions such as World Bank, IMF, amongst others. From the chart, the aid, the need for aid rises by the day. In Africa, the forms of Foreign in Aid range from loan assistance, emergency relief assistance such as drought, health assistance, food, water, technological assistance However, the status of Africa is worsening. Africa comprises of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC). This relates to issues such as poor governance from their leaders despite the richness of the same in terms of resources and minerals. Knack & Brautigam (2004) say that Africa lacks the rule of law, corruption prevails; thus, poor accountability. Foreign Assistance will no doubt not save Africa’s situation. The poverty rates still persist despite the constant aid. Ayodele et al (2005) are wary of the fact that despite the set MDGs, development for Africa has a long way to go. Conclusively, foreign generally leads to slow growth as seen in the case of Africa. Evidently inflation rates are high in Africa despite the constant foreign

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Relationships in Todays Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Relationships in Todays Culture - Essay Example The first part of the article from a man’s perspective for a male audience starts off with the claim that a man’s ego stands in the way of successful resolution to many conflicts, including conflicts that arise from poor communication (Mitchell). Typical â€Å"male† forces force men to pursue an often-destructive path toward â€Å"being right†, which creates problems in relationships. For that reason, the author claims that men are worse at relationship-based communication, but not much worse than women. As a result, the author recommends first to make time for each other. That includes taking the time to sit together, cook together, travel together, and to eat together and being open and honest about the things that trouble the relationship while reassuring that the overall relationship is strong. Another piece of advice is to be an active listener, which includes having patience, concentration, and modesty. It is easy to get distracted while other people (not just women or a relationship partner) are talking. Modesty is also important because it allows others to take the floor in a discussion, which gets back to the author’s original assertion that a man’s ego often gets in the way of productive communication between relationship partners. Men are also advised to focus on nonverbal forms of communication, including body language indicative of negative emotions. Men, on the advice of the columnist, must overcome their natural insensitivity to serve as a true emotional partner.


MGT 350 MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES - Essay Example The study will be therefore interesting as it will provide us with an intuit understanding of the reasons behind the struggling for survival of one company with the incurrence of such huge losses while the other company which is Toyota Motor Corporation is generating profit profits every year (Carr-Ruffino, & Acheson, 2007). To gain an in-depth understanding of both companies and the reasons behind the success of one and the losses by the other, this study will further make analysis of the contrasting strategies employed by both companies. Various studies on the situation of general motors has come to a conclusion that the problems facing General motors bore more significance that are beyond those directly involved (Saunders, 1989). It must thus be realized that the failure of General Motors will not only have huge psychological, social and economic impact in the United States where it has asserted its place as an iconic automobile manufacturer, but its failure will negatively impact on the United States economy in addition to adversely affecting other economies. Hence, the failure of General Motors would result to repercussions that would be felt worldwide (Drucker, 1994). General Motors Corporation History General Motors (GM) first came into existence in 1908 in Flint, Michigan as a holding company back then for Buick and was then controlled by William C. Durant. The company later acquired Oldsmobile later the same year (Cummings, 1993). Later, Durant brought in Cadillac, Oakland which later came to be known as Pontiac and Elmore amongst many more others. Reliance Motor Truck Company of Owosso, Michigan was acquired in 1909 in addition to the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company of Pontiac, Michigan which served as the predecessor of GMC Truck (Drucker, 1994). In charge of the corporation was Alfred Sloan who led the company to its post-war global dominance. The unprecedented growth of the company lasted through the late 70s into the early 80’s. The internation al expansion of the company continued through the establishment of General Motors Overseas Operation in 1938 which was in charge of all vehicles manufacturing and marketing outside the United States and Canada. This growth continued in the 1990s (Marketline, 2007). The Core Business of General Motors The core business of General Motors Corporation is to engage in the development, production and marketing of trucks, cars and automobile parts in addition to being engaged in insurance and finance operations. The primary operations of the company are centralized in North America and Europe with its headquarters being located in Detroit, Michigan and with a worldwide employee population of 280, 000 (Marketline, 2007). Core Technologies employed by General Motors Each of General Motors automotive divisions target specific market segments despite some having some shared components; the distinguishing factor between each division is the unique styling and technology employed. The strategy o f General Motors for core technology is aimed at sharing components and common corporate management in a bid to create an upgrade path that is orderly (Carr-Ruffino, & Acheson, 2007). The entry level buyer starts with a very practical but which is at the same time economical, Chevrolet, and moving through the offerings of the different divisions until one purchases a Cadillac. Manufacturing

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Relationships in Todays Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Relationships in Todays Culture - Essay Example The first part of the article from a man’s perspective for a male audience starts off with the claim that a man’s ego stands in the way of successful resolution to many conflicts, including conflicts that arise from poor communication (Mitchell). Typical â€Å"male† forces force men to pursue an often-destructive path toward â€Å"being right†, which creates problems in relationships. For that reason, the author claims that men are worse at relationship-based communication, but not much worse than women. As a result, the author recommends first to make time for each other. That includes taking the time to sit together, cook together, travel together, and to eat together and being open and honest about the things that trouble the relationship while reassuring that the overall relationship is strong. Another piece of advice is to be an active listener, which includes having patience, concentration, and modesty. It is easy to get distracted while other people (not just women or a relationship partner) are talking. Modesty is also important because it allows others to take the floor in a discussion, which gets back to the author’s original assertion that a man’s ego often gets in the way of productive communication between relationship partners. Men are also advised to focus on nonverbal forms of communication, including body language indicative of negative emotions. Men, on the advice of the columnist, must overcome their natural insensitivity to serve as a true emotional partner.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Technology Evaluation Different Time, Different Place Essay

Technology Evaluation Different Time, Different Place - Essay Example LotusLive Event, meetings and event mapping features offers efficient web conferencing that can accommodate up to 1000 attendees. Through these features, both time and money are saved. Through the Dashboard, users are able to interact and invite other managers and communities that share same ideas. It allows chatting and mapping where live conferences are accessible. This feature aids the management to evaluate their working habits with other organizations With the combination of different applications, businesses are able to cut on costs related to information dissemination and collection. As a result, organizations experience increased profits while developing better working conditions. Furthermore, the business image is boosted and employees are motivated. The program allows firms to compare their results online through the community invitation feature and the messaging feature helps employees to communicate timely about important issues. The Lotus Live is compatible with other collaborative technologies e.g. Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft’s bundled online collaborative offerings. It worked well on my PC and Nokia C5. Lotus live Engage enables users to interact with correspondents both within and outside their organizations since it manages contacts and projects online. From my test, security is not a problem as communications are encrypted by the SSL technology (Hoskins, 2010). Overall, Lotus Live is an easy to use program that works well in many PCs and mobile phones that are internet enabled. With the Engage feature, businesses are able to interact cheaply and on time, which saves time and costs. Its meeting, conferencing and event map options help multinational organizations and/ or those with different branches, keep in touch without, as it is compatible with social networks like Twitter and Face book. Additionally, iNote and file manager within the same program make working easy. Thus, I would

Monday, October 14, 2019

Dendrophthoe Petandra L. Miq.s Progesterone-Like Effect

Dendrophthoe Petandra L. Miq.s Progesterone-Like Effect ABSTRACT The in-vivo study on healthy adult female rat were known that extract methanol of Dendrophthoe Petandra L. Miq by intramuscular injection (w/v) at dose 100 mg/kg body weight for four days (s.d.d.) can be produce progesterone hormone two times more than usual levels. That phenomenon apparently indicates that plant as an Indonesia namely Benalu duku were probably consist of steroid with carbon bonding substances at number 1st to 21st namely pregnane derivate. These research aims to determined specificity active substances of methanol crude extract Benalu duku leaves with pharmacodynamics effect like progesterone hormone. Pulverized Benalu duku leaves at 400g was extracted with 2 L methanol pro analysis grade by shaker maceration method at 200C during the 72 hours. Semi solid crude extract were drying by vacuum dried apparatus and UV exposure at 15 minutes and analysis by FT-IR and LC ESI MS. Research result obtained that active substances with main chemical structure of pregnane deriva te were progesterone at about 30%, medroxy progesterone acetate at about 66%, megestrol acetate at about 3% and 1% dydrogesterone. Key words: Benalu duku, pregnane derivate, anabolic steroid, leaves extract FT-IR, Methanolic leaves extract LC-ESI MS. Introduction Dendrophtoe Petandra L Miq (Benalu duku) as a parasites plant growing on Lancium demesticum were known have a several essential active substances and useful for treated proliferation cell (NURAINI et al., 2000, ROOSTANTIA et al., 2000 and RATNA et al., 2007). Some researcher reported that plants have a beneficially active substance like alkaloid, flavonoid, polyphenol, terpenoid and free steroid (ARIFA et al., 2009). New research report explained that crude methanolic extract of Benalu duku leaves can be increasing progesterone hormone two times more than usual levels, but giving FSH levels on female adult rat (BAMBANG, LAZUARDI, 2014). The last research report indicate that plants have a several substances with characterize as a progesterone like effect. Characterization progesterone like effect was known have a specific chemical main structure namely pregnane derivate with consist of carbon at 1st to 21st at their double bonded chain structure or (8S,9S,10S,13R,14S,17S)-17-ethyl- 10,13-dimethyl-2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12, 14,15,16,17-tetradecahydro-1H- cyclopenta [a] phenanthrene. Identically of their main structure of pregnane derivate were known as an anabolic hormone and usefully for treatment prostate cancer in adult man (RANDOX LABORATORY LTD, 2013). Pregnane derivate were known have some specific anabolic steroid structure i.e cortisone, hydrocortisone, progesterone, medroxy progesterone acetate, megestrol acetate, 17- ÃŽ ±- hydroxyl progesterone acetate, dydrogesterone. Other herbal medicine with anabolic steroid action was found at Mexico namely Codices plant. That plant was similar with Benalu duku as a parasites plant growing at subtropics seasons (LERNER, ARNWINE, 2002). With analog to Codices plant in Mexico, might be benalu duku leaves after extracted by methanol were containing specific anabolic steroid. By background research at above, will be determined progesterone like effect substance like progesterone, medroxy progesterone acetate, megestrol acetate, dydrogesterone from base on overview of identic molecule ion of LC-ESI MS and function compound of FT-IR. Materials and methods Benalu duku leaves were obtained from Muara Enim region of west Sumatera-Indonesia and identification as a Dendrophthoe Petandra L. Miq at Botany Research Institute at Tangerang – Jakarta Indonesia as described by BAMBANG, LAZUARDI (2014). Reference substance of progesterone was obtained from Sigma-aldrich product 46665 batch SEBA XV. Reference substance of medroxy progesterone acetate was obtained from Harsen pharmaceutical Industry Jakarta – Indonesia at pharmaceutics grade. Megestrol acetate reference material was obtained from Sigma Aldrich at product 46420 batch SZB9173XV. Dydrogesterone reference material was used from European Directorate for quality medicines and health care, France by catalog code Y0001004. A 400 gram of pulverize benalu duku leaves were extracted on 2 L of methanol pro analysis on to the 1 L separated flask during the 72 hours (movement shaker maceration method at 200C). The semi-solid of crude extract were dried on vacum drying and exposure to uv light (15 minutes) for kept contaminate from the mold and some bacteria. Some amount of semi-solid crude extract benalu duku leaves was determined specific molecule structure compound by FT –IR PerkinElmer Frontier 89485 and LC-ESI MS Accela TSQ Quantum Acess Thermo. The semi-solid crude extract methanol of benalu duku leaves was determined to molecule function of progesterone like effect substances at 400 cm-1 to 4000 cm-1 . Performance control of LC-ESI MS were adjusted as follows; column hypersil Gold 0.2  µm length 10 cm gradient method with mobile phase at bottle A 0.1% in Aqua bidest and bottle B 0,1% formic acid in acetonitrile pro HPLC. The gradient was perform at 35% to70% of B in 20 minute at 254 nm UV detector. Automatic sucking and injection capacity was adjusted at 10  µl, flushing capacity 400  µl with velocity at 100 µl.second-1, velocity injector 8  µl.second-1, height of suction apparatus at about 2 ml capacity autosample vial at 1.2 ml. Temperature column was adjusted at 220C at maximum pressure pump 1250 PSI and stabile in 10 BAR (THERMO ELECTRON CORPORATION, 2007). Results Analysis Spectrum infra-red of crude extract methanol Benalu duku leaves obtained that stretching aromatic compound specific overtone was presented at 1650 to 2000 cm-1. Especial in 1550 cm-1 to 1600 cm-1 was appeared stretching aromatic compound (1,s). In 1450 cm-1 to 1500 cm-1 was appeared s orbital of stretching aromatic compounds. At finger print area wavelength number of 600 cm-1 to 900 cm-1 and 1000 cm-1 to 1300 cm-1 were indicate of flexible carbon atom and hydrogen outside of area (k orbital) and inside of area (l orbital). To compare similarities of infra-red spectrum between reference material vs., crude extract methanol of Benalu duku leaves at high intensity (%T) indicated that wavelength number of 1400 cm-1 to 1050 cm-1 and 1600 cm-1 to 1660 cm-1 were identic both of them. Even at low intensity (%T) on the finger print area 750 cm-1 to 1000 cm-1 were identic infra-red spectrum between reference materials vs., crude extract methanol benalu duku leaves. Table 1 at bellow w as presented specific function molecules of crude extract methanol benalu duku leaves after assessment by FT-IR by references of NOERDIN (1985). Analysis LC ESI-MS by Triple Stage Quadruple Mass Spectrometers were obtained that compound of progesterone like effect in extract methanol Benalu duku leaves were identic to reference materials of medroxy progesterone acetate, progesterone, megestrol acetate and dydrogesterone. Table 2 at bellow explained that retention time and ion molecule of ESI (m/z) as dependent variable of extract methanol Benalu duku leaves was similar to retention time and ion molecules of ESI references material. Table 1. Infra-red spectrum (cm-1) and intensity (%T) crude extract benalu duku and reference materials of progesterone like effect substances Extract benalu duku Progesterone Med. Prog. acet Megestrol acetate Dydrogesterone Identified function group, cm-1  ± %T cm-1 %T cm-1 %T cm-1 %T cm-1 %T 3500-3400 15-11 3436.69 72 3434,34 0,11 3436,39 10,16 3435,72-3374,34 14,17-14,58 0-H 2927,33 12,87 2969,05-2925 10,25-8,22 Absent 2946,49-2927,66 12,04-12,17 2989,16-2930,19 5,05-13,35 Unsymmetrical vibration, stretching C-H 1632,88 17,15 1699,13-1616,17 49-8,83 1638,95 1,05 1664,2-1629,09 6,49-10,9 1659,51-1620,82 1,24-2,94 Stretching aromatic ring (1,s) 1458,07 18,49 1438,76 15,45 1401,19 3,29 1458,7 14,88 1452,06 14,48 Stretching aromatic ring (s) 1272,22 19,21 1279,25-1268,89 17,85-18,67 Absent 1269,83 10,1 1277,7 12,4 Flexible C-H on orbital (l) 1203,09 19,36 1204,91 14,97 Absent 1206,31 14,18 1193,1 7,97 Alkene, R-OH, stretching vibration C-H, aromatic 1169,44 19,73 1179,06-1162,48 17,64-16,36 Absent 1166,41 16,27 1174,79-1162,58 17,08-14,51 -CH—CH-(trans),R-CH2 1062,81 19,17 1116,32 19,96 1112,60 3,28 1083,18-1058,62 16,29-15,81 1064,16 21,79 Cà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ CH2, mono substitute alkenes 826,55 23,84 871,18 17,15 Absent 877,33-796,78 14,9-21,26 831,21-793,86 24,45-23,51 Tri substitute alkenes, meta-di subtitute Benzene (aromatic) 721,48 23,67 778,14-687,31 21,77-21,17 Absent 755,83-713,19 20,62 727,77 23,21 cis-di substitute alkenes, mono substitute benzene, meta-disub. benzene (Aromatic) 639,21 23,8 687,31 21,17 644,79 2,57 634,94 20,65 630,99 18,55 cis-di substituted alkenes (vinyl, C-H) Table. 2. Result analysis retention time and molecules ion of ESI between crude extract methanol benalu duku leaves and reference material as medroxy progesterone acetate, progesterone, megestrol acetate and dydrogesterone Analytes Weight ( µg/ml) Area Retention time (minutes) Electron Spray Ionization (ESI) (m/z) Crude extract benalu duku leaves 0,0646 227044 4.40 387.000 Medroxy progesterone acetate 0,15 99585 4.40 387.000 Crude extract benalu duku leavesFigure 1 to Figure 4 at below obtained that LC ESI-MS of extract methanol benalu duku leaves were containing identic active substances of medroxy progesterone acetate, progesterone, megestrol acetate and dydrogesterone. Discussion Analysis by retention time and ESI (m/z) of LC ESI-MS were apparently just two of progesterone like effect substances on crude extract methanol benalu duku leaves that very identic substances to reference material namely medroxy progesterone acetate and progesterone. Other progesterone like effect substances as a megestrol acetate and dydrogesterone on crude extract methanol benalu duku leaves were mostly identic to reference material of megestrol acetate and dydrogesterone by different shift at 0.01 and 0.6 retention time of reference materials. Difference in retention time shift is closely linked nature of polarity samples bound to the column Hypersil Gold of LC. Thus the most likely molecular structure of megestrol acetate and dydrogesterone on methanol extract of benalu duku no resemblance to 100% identically as reference materials of megestrol acetate and dydrogesterone. Analysis to compare between the values of molecule ion fragments (m/z) and ESI (m/z) reference materials of f ourth progesterone like effect substances versus identically substances of progesterone like effect on crude extract methanol benalu duku leaves were apparently have a differences values (p

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Unemployment in Hong Kong :: Economics, Unemployment Essays

Introduction The unemployment rate became a hot topic in the past few months when it rose to 3.5 per cent, a recent high for almost 10 years. The jobless rate was higher than the 3.2 per cent unemployment rate recorded in the May to July period. The underemployment rate in the June to August period rose to 2.5 per cent from 2.3 per cent in the May to July period. Until recently, most workers who lost their jobs were from the manufacturing sector. They were middle-aged factory workers with few skills and little education. But in recent months a large number of employees have been laid off in the retail and restaurant businesses. Unemployment has spilled over to the service sector from manufacturing sector. Hong Kong is facing a prolonged economic downturn. The high unemployment rate has raised many social and economic problems. For example, the number of people who commit suicide is increased. It is because more people had lost their jobs for a long time. It is a serious threat to the lives of the poor. The unemployed people may also feel that it is unmeaningful to live. As a result, they will commit suicide to solve the problem. Moreover, the high unemployment rate results in the increase of the rate of crime. There was an unemployed man who stole rice because he was too hungry and he did not have money to even buy food! We can know how serious the unemployment rate is. By the way, higher unemployment rate causes lower purchasing power of people. A lot of kinds of business are affected. Many people lose confidence in economics of Hong Kong. They do not believe unemployment will be improved. Some say that the Government should provide immediate assistance for the jobless. Some also say unemployment is due to the attraction of cheap labor across the border. The Government can no longer play the role of a bystander. All of these above show the influence of the unemployment. In spite of how many people who have talked about the topic of unemployment, everyone will be concerned about this topic. The following sections will analyze this hot topic. Reasons for unemployment in Hong Kong 1. Faster growth in total labor supply relative to that of total employment In 1993 and 1994, the increase in Hong Kong labor force is 2.9% and 3.5% respectively. At the end of 1993, the total labour supply is 2 970 000. Change in the total labour supply is determined by the population growth, total employment and the emigration condition. If the population growth and the total

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Love Is Timeless :: essays research papers fc

Love can be described as having genuine affection towards someone. Whether it be a family member or your soulmate, love comes in many shapes and forms. Love is also defined as timeless and infinite. In the poem â€Å"A Red, Red Rose† by Robert Burns, there is many connotations about love. Throughout the poem the speaker symbolizes his love for someone. He uses various metaphors to get his point across about how he feels about this particular person. However, what makes this poem differ from other common love poems is that it emphasizes how the author leaves but will still always love the other person thus making love endless.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Robert Burns was born in Scotland, January 25th, 1759. He was the son of William Burnes, or Burness, at the time on the banks of the Doon in Ayrshire. He married Jean Armour whose father did not approve of their marriage. They moved all over England and finally ended up in Dumfries where he died at thirty-eight. Historians believe that the poem ‘A Red, Red Rose’ emerged from the difficulties Jeam Armour’s father had of their marriage. Regardless of her father’s disapproval, he wed her and created an ageless poem of his love towards her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬ËœA Red, Red Rose’ uses various similes and metaphors to describe love. Love is conveyed through a rose. The color â€Å"red† is also a symbol of passion and love. In lines 3 and 4 Burns is compelled again to write another metaphor about his love. This time he compares her to a melody from a song. This is, however, a temporary beauty since a melody eventually ends. In the second stanza he believes that his love will last forever. The line â€Å"tell a’ the seas gang dry† (Burns 1401) does not put a limit of time in his love. The probability that this would happen is next to impossible making his love continuous. Lines 9 through 11 also convey the same message as lines 5 through 8.His love will last until â€Å"the rocks melt wi’ the sun† (Burns 1401) Burns emphasizes again the fact that his love will never end. This reiteration tells readers that he truly loves this person and that he will not stop loving this person until the end of time. The final stanza has multiple meanings. He could mean that their love is separated above or beyond the sands of time.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Day without Math

The teens of 2012 thought that the world might end was their biggest issue. As a teen of the twenty second century, I know how ridiculous their thoughts were. Of course, the world would not end., and it didn’t. However, the people of 1818 had a better reason to panic. You see, ever since that fateful year, the people of planet earth have lived without a subject known as math. Although there are several theories explaining the loss of math, I have been taught by my parents that the loss of math was because of a miscalculation.In January of 1899 while the American government was experimenting with ammunition, there was a catastrophe. A bomb was misfired and penetrated the troposphere. The weeks following the incident, several reports of severe migraines were filed. When the town of Seattle, Washington reported a dramatic change in math scores, the world began to realize the possible effects of the explosion. By the time the best scientists and doctors were told that recent serio us migraines might cause loss of math skills, they, too, had been effected.However, a few of the scientists who hadn’t been effected yet tested the air. They found a mysterious gas atom attached to the oxygen atom. They predicted that if they lost their math abilities too, then the epidemic was caused by the particle in the air. Sure enough, a few weeks later they, too, didn’t understand the concept of math and simple numbers. This is the story my family believes because this is what has been orally passed down to each generation.Another story I have been told is about my great-great-great-great grandmother, Eleanor, and her husband, Alexander soon before and after the disappearance of math. They were newly-weds, both in their early twenties when they woke up one January morning to a neighbor knocking on their door. â€Å"Breaking news, there is toxin in the air from the ammunition explosion this past winter that has been rumored to erase people’s knowledge of math. I would suggest staying in your house as long as possible, so you don’t inhale any bad air.†I’m so frightened. What will happen if numbers cease to exist? Our posterity is doomed!† exclaimed Mr. Fredrick. They did as they were told. They did their best, but eventually they succumbed to the migraines. It was very unfortunate because they thought it was a new chapter in their  life, but it turned out to be the end of a chapter that had just begun.In the following weeks and months, Eleanor, Alexander, and their community had to adapt to the major changes in their lives. The subject math was eventually dropped from schools’ curriculum. They had to learn how to live without money and reverted to the barter system. For directions, they started to use landmarks instead of using math to calculate the distance between two places.More people became farmers, so they could have fresh vegetables and meat that they could no longer buy at a local store. App liances that kept food cool or made food hot weren’t able to operate. Towns across America started to look like the towns in the medieval times. There were huge adjustments, but eventually people became used to living without math. The people of the twenty second century live similar lifestyles and don’t even think twice about living without math.I reside in the Bahamas on a banana plantation. We have some chickens, dogs, cows, goats, mules, and horses. I always wake up long before the sun appears on the horizon. I change and get ready for the day. Then, I head to the barn to do my chores involving the animals. When my chores are completed, I grab the basket of fresh eggs. After I return, I sit down to eat breakfast. As usual my meal was eggs, bacon, cheese, and milk. They are all products produced on my family’s farm. Once excused from breakfast, I hop on my bike and ride to school. I pass seven land marks before arriving at school. I know whether I arrive to s chool on time because the school bell rings every time the sun lines up with something on campus, like the soccer field or gymnasium.My first class is geography. We learn about places we can never visit. We can’t communicate with people outside of our town, so all the information we are taught has been passed down from the time when people could communicate internationally. I hope it’s correct because geography is my favorite subject. As the day progresses, I go to six more classes : english, survival class, agriculture class, p.e., animal care and safety, and socializing class. We have lunch after p.e. School lunch is different everyday, but it’s always something grown on a local farm. I don’t think school is terrible. From what I have been told, school was a lot harder when math existed.After school, I do my second round of chores. I never have homework because the teachers at school know that if students thrive and return the next day, they have applie d what they have been taught. Following my chores, I usually ride my bike down to the library once a week to grab a new book to read. Then I typically head over to a friend’s house to hang out. We usually do chores and talk. When I return home, I’m exhausted and get ready for bed. Before I finally get some rest, I pack my school bag for another successful day.As far as the mysterious particle that is still believed to be lingering in the air that erased human’s ability to perform complicated math problems, I don’t think it will ever vanish magically. If it did, I think society is so used to life without math that people wouldn’t even consider trying to re-learn math. It would be like trying to learn a new language, but no person would know the rules or simple concepts of it. It would have to evolve over centuries as it did before.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Critically Evaluate the Relevance of the Contingency Approach

Jane directly leads a team of seven HRS and communication employees and five operations staff, and has a strong Influence across the organization. Reporting to the CEO, with both board and ASS reporting responsibilities, Cane's role and authority at EX. Wealth Is prominent. As the HRS Director, Jane Is Involved In structure, employment Issues, human resource allocation. Recruitment and retention decisions and sets the people strategy for the organization (J. Smith, peers. Com, 2011). As she faces many different situations everyday in her work, she heavily relies on the contingency approach to management.The contingency approach states that â€Å"organizations are different, face different situations (contingencies) and require different ways of managing† (Robbins, Bergman, Stag & Coulter, 2009 p. 53). The classical, behavioral and systems approach to management theory assumed a universal or ‘one-best-way of management that applied the same techniques to all companies. Ho wever, experienced managers know that not all people and situations can be managed exactly the same. Thus the contingency approach to management suggests that what managers do In practice depends on the situation.However, the contingency approach is not without its critics. A major problem is that it often is used as an excuse for not acquiring formal knowledge about management, but just lets managers make dados decisions. There are four popular contingency variables: organizational size, riotousness of task technology, environmental uncertainty and individual differences (Robbins et al, 2009). In this essay, we will discuss how Jane at EX. Wealth manages each of these variables. The first variable In contingency management theory is organizational size.The way Jane manages her direct team of seven, Is very different to how she is seen as a manager across the 700 staff at EX. Wealth. For example, Jane holds weekly meetings with her team to advise of company-wide news and Information from her meetings at CEO and Board level. In relation to Skate's â€Å"human skill† (Katz, 1974) she Is an effective communicator In tans arena. However, one AT ten roles AT newer team Is to teen disseminate this information through their business groups and across the organization, so that all employees are aware of various company-edicts and general ‘goings on' .They did this through posting memos in breakout rooms, which were rarely noticed. Thus Jane (and in turn, her team) was perceived as having poor human skills' as the information coming from the HRS team was communicated across the larger organization ineffectively. Jane had to change her management style in relation to these larger communications and a company wide intranet was developed as a result. On it, important employee notices were communicated as well as information about the company and it's various activities. 0. Smith, peers. Com).Employees were then able to access the information as it suited them , and remained just as informed as those in her direct team after their weekly meetings. Another variable in contingency management theory is the ‘riotousness of task genealogy. Routine Technologies are those that have little variety and use objective, standardized procedures. They are mostly associated with a mechanistic structure and processes, with formal rules and rigid management processes (Daft, Murphy & Wolcott 2010). An example of this at EX. Wealth is in the Operations Department.Their role is to scan all incoming mail, forward it to the correct person and file the hardcopy. Jane finds managing this department is relatively straightforward. She sets formal Kips at the start of each year and the Senior Operations Officer ensures that the team meets their targets. In effect, Jane is using one of Integers ‘Managing on Three Levels' (being, information) technique (Integers, 1994). Non-routine technologies, however, have high task variety and experience and technical knowledge are used to perform the work and solve problems.Using Woodward's research, organizations with more non-routine technologies are more likely to have organic structures (Robbins et al, 2009) Similar to many companies in finance, EX. Wealth has traditionally had a very bureaucratic structure based around division of labor, central controls and a strict hierarchy – almost Weeper's ideal bureaucratic structure. Robbins et al, 2009) – with the CEO at the top and the majority of staff (in processing and call centre roles) making up the bottom. Divisions were created by Job role and geography and the machinations of the firm had little to do with the head office and their goals.However, since the challenge of Global Financial Crisis (SGF) companies, particularly in financial fields, have had to be leaner and more able to change and faster at doing it. EX. Wealth has started to develop a flatter management structure, with a matrix- reporting style and business units connecting with each other (Chapman, 2001). For instance, instead of all Human Resources (HRS) consultants sitting together in an HRS team environment, those dedicated to a particular business group, now ‘live' with their business, as business partners. Although they form part of Cane's team, they also have a reporting line through to their business manager.Echoing Chessman's (2001) work, Jane feels that this new organizational structure is more desirable as interpersonal relationships are developed and knowledge and understandings are shared between the HRS team and the business. 0. Smith, peers. Com) I en Tanta variable Tort ten contingency approach to management Is environmental uncertainty. Because uncertainty threatens an organizations effectiveness, managers will try to minimize it. (Robbins et al. 2009) Operating in a post-SGF world, EX. Wealth is facing uncertainty on numerous levels. There are constant threats from competitors and the market is still Jittery and unpre dictable at best.EX. Wealth has a large insurance division that has recently been onset by claims from the various natural disasters that Australia has recently faced. In short, there is not a lot about EX. Wealth's environment that is certain. According to contingency theory, stable environments suggest mechanistic structures that emphasis centralization, standardization, and specialization. (Robbins et al. , 2009) Unstable environments suggest organic structures, which emphasis decentralization to achieve flexibility and adaptability (Robbins et al. , 2009).EX. Wealth is effected by a rapidly changing and unstable environment and must evolve to ensure that it is able to operate efficiently through any uncertainty. An example of this was highlighted with an unprecedented retention issue with the Junior clerks in the Perth offices of EX. Wealth. Due to the mining boom, these staff were being lured away from EX. to earn significant amounts working in the mines. As hiring and retraini ng staff is an expensive exercise (and EX. Wealth was in no position to match the salaries on offer), the company offered an extended leave without pay program for Junior employees who had shown potential.This gave them time off to work in the mines and then they were able to return to their previous roles (Smith, peers. Com). The final variable for the contingency approach to management thought is that of individual differences: â€Å"Individuals differ in terms of their desire for growth, autonomy, tolerance of ambiguity and expectations† (Robbins et al, (2009) p. 4). This final variable, makes it clear why so many found the classical theories of Payola and Taylor so limiting.There are Just so many variables that could apply to motivating and leading individuals, that no classical theorist could cover them all. As Human Resources Director Jane Smith leads discussions at EX. Wealth on the remuneration levels of employees. Being a company in financial markets, employees who w ork in this industry are usually attracted by money. Thus, it has always been the main motivator for staff and all employees are eligible for performance related pay and company bonuses. However, since the SGF the focus on money as the main motivational tool has been lessened.Other benefits such as more flexible working practices (either with hours, or working from home), study support or the ability to ‘buy extra annual leave; have also been seen to highly motivate employees (Smith, peers. Com). As Mitchell and Nickel (1999) argue – money is an important motivator, but managers need to understand individuals – their attitudes, beliefs and behavior – before it will act as an effective motivator. In analyzing Cane's work as the Human Resources Director of EX. Wealth, it can be aid that she heavily relies upon the contingency approach to management.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Eusebius Pamphili Essay

Eusebius Pamphili, also called Eusebius of Caesarea, is one of the key figures ever documented in the field of church history writing/narration. He took into account essential happenings about a specific event and made accounts for people of great importance in the christian realm. Eusebius was exposed to events and he himself was an eyewitness of some martyrdom in several occasions like what happened in the persecution of Christianity in the time of the many Roman emperors. He was famous for his two historical works: â€Å"Chronicle† and â€Å"Church History†. He also wrote several books which served as references by many people like the â€Å"Apology for Origen†, â€Å"Praeparatio de Evangelica† (Preparation for the Gospel), â€Å"Demostratio Evangelica† (Proof of the Gospel), and other scholarly works that possesses historical values in itself. He appended supplements on the work, â€Å"On the Theology of the Church† to preserve the Nicene doctrine of the Logos against Athanasius principles. But perhaps another historical mark for Eusebius was his detailed accounts in the lives of the martyrs of the Palestine, Origen, and others. He also claimed that he witnessed persecutions in Egypt and Tyre. Furthermore, his prominent works in heresy hunting was also successful, an attribute only a few individual have during his time. His works, being focused in several Christian doctrines and teachings, is what makes it valuable for Christians today. This does not necessarily mean all his teachings were of absolute truth, but the fact that his works can be studied either to resolve or abhor the philosophy which depends on the bias and principle of the reader. Claiming that he had opportunities to witness such brutality made to the early Christians, it is therefore valuable to read his accounts for the readers to assess his claims as well as to consider his claims or despise the same. 1 The focal point of his work is to narrate in a very explicit way possible what transpired during that specific event based on Eusebius accounts and other writings. Taking into account what happened during the persecution experienced by Christians during that period by the authorities is also one of the main points of his writing. The so-called â€Å"Martyrs of Christ† were also mentioned in the book including the method of execution applied unto them. Having burned live, fed into wild beasts, and other mutilation process were clearly stated in the book. Moreover, he made a careful manifestation on the essential parts of the book by giving commentaries which had disputable issues involved. He also expressed contrasts in the claims of Eusebius by including accounts from other manuscripts as well, and stating its case in contrary to Eusebius claims. One clear example would be on the issue of the questionable escape by Eusebius from the persecution while the rest of his company suffered. Eusebius claimed that he escaped through the help of his friends from the authority. However, he was accused by others that he denied the faith, the main reason why he escaped from the prison. Another excerpt from the book would be the concern on his teachings regarding the basic Christian doctrine as again being challenged by other Christians. The contents of the book tackle on numerous historical accounts which are very important in studying the church history. Eusebius accounts, as well as others’ writings must be acknowledged by those who ventures into the history of the early Christians. Describing explicitly the tortures experienced by early Christians, the author carried out the gravity of the said affliction. These reasons, the author believed were some of the factors why the book had to be furnished. Critical commentaries were in scripted by the writer of the book. He clearly included both sides of the issues whenever there are conflicting sides arguing for a specific event stated. Credibility of the author depends on where he got the details included in his writing, as well as on how he presented those data he gathered. Since these issues were clearly evident in the writing of this manuscript, one can say that the author’s credibility should not be in question. There are other writers who did a great job expounding the history of the church. They also claimed reliable sources as to where they acquired the details of their writings. They presented their commentaries with objectivity, making them a likely author. These descriptions cited were also integrated in the works of the author mentioned in this entire assessment. Readers of this generation would be having a clear insight on the topics included in the manuscript made by the author. They can either approve or detest some of the details written but this writing would surely provide them a good reference in studying church history. They can also witness the author’s independent view on certain issues in the history of the church. Aside from all of these, this book should also be treated as a supplement on the topic of persecutions of the early Christians and the other details in a particular regime of past Roman emperors. The substance of a manuscript depends on several factors which includes its intrinsic importance and on how appropriate the book is in its field. This work made a great contribution in narrating events which focused on the writings of Eusebius. Stating all the ideas and principles incorporated in this writing, there is no way that this manuscript be given less importance, particularly in the grounds of studying the history of Christianity. From narrating the life of Eusebius, his circumstances, his accounts on the persecution of Christians and other relevant accounts made this book commendable.