Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Professional Athletes and Illegal Steroid Use

Athletes of the modern sports are pushing their body to the limits, not only through rigid practice and training, new techniques and strategies but also by enhancing or altering the body’s physiological make up.   Admittedly, the use of drugs in today’s sport is widespread.   Statistics show that athletes even the amateur ones as young as 12 years old are already taking steroids or drugs to enhance their performance in their respective fields. In a survey conducted by the NCAA in 2004, it was reported that among 19-22 year-olds, 18.9% of them responded that they knew friends within the same age bracket who are taking steroids and who are playing a sport and 3% of high school seniors are using steroids as performance enhancers, how much more for the professional athletes who have a lot more at stake than just name, reputation, medal and trophy.So what are steroids and why has it raised so many clamors, not only among the field of sports but also among the field of sc ience?   If an athlete takes steroids, would it be tantamount to cheating as he is not utilizing his own body’s capabilities but that of a drug?  Ã‚   Drugs commonly referred to as steroids are classified as anabolic, androgenic, and corticosteroids.   Corticosteroids are used to control inflammation.   Anabolic steroids which have been the object of media attention are the kind of drugs which is used by athletes and body builders to improve and bulk up their profile and body’s physiology. Anabolic is a Greek word which means to â€Å"build up† and these are synthetic hormones that cause the body to produce more muscle at the same time preventing muscle break down.  Ã‚   In the United States, it is illegal to take anabolic steroids without prescription from a doctor.   Androgenics or androstenedione (andros) is a lesser or weaker kind of anabolic steroid.   It primarily works by increasing testosterone and muscle proteins and many of weigh lifters take this steroid.The Benefits of SteroidsThe human body produces steroids naturally.   In the case of anabolic steroids, they resemble the chemical structure of the male sex hormone testosterone.   It facilitates the development of the male secondary sexual characteristics as well as facilitating muscle growth.   [Hobart, Sarah]. But just like any other development in science, steroids were not developed in order to enhance an athlete’s capabilities.   Rather it was developed in the 1930s in order to treat hypogonadism.   People with such disorder do not produce enough testosterone and the use of steroid helps replace the much needed testosterone.   Such success caught up with the athletes.   In 1956 Olympics, Russian athletes who used steroids were observed to be using catheters when urinating.   Ironically, the athletes had trouble urinating because their prostates have enlarged because of the excessive use of the drug.Subsequent observations and studies ha ve manifested the benefits of the use of steroids by professional athletes.   Weight lifters who used steroids were seen to have increased their muscle strength and muscle growth. In comparison to those weight lifters who used steroids, those who took placebo or did not take anything at all showed a very slow increase in muscle growth and strength.   Steroids not only enhance the athletic performance of athletes, it also provide for the development of a physically fit, tighter and toner body not only for men but also for women.The Risks and EffectsJust like any other drug, steroids have also its share of risks and side effects.   One of the particular concerns of health officials over steroid use for a prolonged period is liver damage, increased risk in heart disease.   The side effects of the steroid use are also severe.   For men who use steroids, they tend to develop â€Å"breasts† or gynecomastia, painful prolonged erection (priapism) and edema due to water and sodium retention.   In the case of the Russian athletes in 1956, they had trouble urinating due to the enlargement of their prostates.  Ã‚   Cardiovascular problems also occur due to the increase of â€Å"bad† cholesterol or the low-density lipoprotein levels instead of enhancing the â€Å"good† cholesterol or the high-density lipoprotein levels.   With these harmful physical effects, psychological problems also come up.   There was an indication that man who takes steroids showed behavioral changes like being aggressive.On the other hand, women who use steroids suffer irreversible damages unlike the men who can correct what ever side effect they have after discontinuing the use of such drug.   Women develop facial hair growth, enlarged clitoris, and coarser skin.   They also increase the same cardiovascular problems like the men do.   Women also are at risk of infertility and other reproductive disorders.   Admittedly, professional athletes both men an d women still continue to use illegal steroids disregarding the risks even death because of their desire to win.EthicsThe debate of the use of steroids is not only limited to the health concerns.   Rather, the use of steroids by professional athletes is centered on ethics. One argument over steroid use by professional athletes is that it is a form of cheating.   When using steroids as performance enhancing drugs, they tend to depend on the drugs capability instead of their own.   Athletes using performance-enhancers seek to increase their athletic ability via drugs rather than through the training process, which requires true commitment and effort on the part of the athlete (â€Å"Steroids: Play Safe,† 2004).The athletes who are the center and the heart of the game use steroids to win or better their chances in winning, they gave into the power of the drugs over them instead of wielding and showcasing their strengths.   This is ultimately being unfair to other athlete s and professional players who only depend on their prowess, not of the drugs.   And since professional athletes play to win, as they are paid to do so, those who do not use steroids are extremely pressured to use them too in order to compete with the other athletes who have exceedingly enhanced performance.Another point raised on the ethical perspective of the use of steroid is that such use of a performance-enhancing drug allows professional athletes to tap into their undiscovered potentials. Although as discussed above, the athletes are the hearts of the game and they should be the one controlling it, not some drug, still with the aid of the drug, they are only harnessing their potentials to full use.   The privacy and the rights of the athletes to do to his body whatever he thinks is beneficial to him must be respected. Providing a stricter regulation on the use of steroid among professional athletes will not solve the problem.The decision to use or not to use such drug must be left to the discretion of the athlete.   The use of steroids among professional athletes may ultimately have been the result of â€Å"media hype†, and the ban on the use of such has been based on moral panic. By the making the use of steroids criminal, through drug testing may be even the cause of more health risks for the athletes.   As it is impossible to acquire the drug through a doctor, they instead turn to the underground or black market.   Instead of providing adequate help to the athletes who may limit or control the use of such drugs, banning it is ultimately forcing them to continue using steroids thereby driving them to further health risks in the first place.Athletes especially the professional ones are the role models of society especially the youth.   They have been looked up to by the society as pillars that are looked up to.   While each individual have the rights to do what he thinks is best for his own self, the state or the government can stil l impose regulations among its citizens especially if it concerns the health of many. The question of ethics should not come first but the health concerns.Although there have been reports and studies about the long time effects of the use of steroids, published cases of tumors and cancer-related cases, health experts and researchers do not exactly know the consequences   of steroid abuse   Ã‚  Even with all the data and reports submitted by researchers and users alike, still this are not conclusive and may be inaccurate. And so the federal government has issued a ban on the use of such.   Possession of steroids with the intent of distributing it is considered illegal and punishable by law.   Likewise, the use of steroids in sports is considered to be a violation of sports leagues and councils even the ethics of sportsmanship.But even with all the ban and regulation made by the government for the use of steroids especially in professional sports, many athletes still continue to use it despite warnings of its risks.   As drug testing is one way of determining whether an athlete is using steroids or not, professional athletes have found a way to go about and escape such drug testing. Just like the Ben Johnson who failed to bring home the gold in the 1988 Summer Olympics when he tested positive for steroids.   The catch is, he took 19 drug tests before that before he failed in the Seoul Games which eventually led to the forfeiture of his gold medal.   Ultimately, it is really up to the athlete whether he will use steroids to enhance his athletic performance or not notwithstanding the ban and regulation made by the federal government and the question of ethics as well.Reference:Bahrke, M.S., and C.E. Yesalis.   â€Å"The Future of Performance-Enhancing Substances in Sport.† The Physician and Sports Medicine , 2002, 30(11):1-21.Chuey, Daniel, Introduction to Benefits and Risks accessed 1/30/06Chyka, P.A.. â€Å"And rogenic-anabolic steroids.† Clinical Toxicology. Philadelphia.WB Saunders, 2001, 595-601.Hobart, Sarah, â€Å"Athlete Use and Abuse of Performance Enhancing Drugs â€Å" accessed 1/30/06NCAA. â€Å"NCAA Drug-Testing Results 2002-2003.† Accessed 01/30/06 2003.2004. â€Å"Steroids: Play Safe, Play Fair.† American Academy of Pediatrics. . 1 Oct. 2004.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Advanced training methods are generally the contemporary training methods that are being applied in fitness training; some others authors have called them scientific methods of training basing that the results of the advanced methods of training are observable and a clear development of changes in the trainee can be easily observed.The major advanced training methods include: supersets, Forced reps, Pyramid system and finally Periodization technique. A superset basically involves a more rigorous training method that do not allow for relaxation in between the sets. Forced reps equally involve performing repetitive actions when the trainee has reached concentric and exhausted through the help of the trainer.Pyramid system also encompasses developing the muscles through the addition of more weights in a varied manner incorporating both the volume and intensity while the other method which is the periodization employs a more planed training with the time available for training being appo rtioned evenly to ensure better development of strength and muscles and also controlling if not eradicating over training.Important to note that before any of the above methods are used in training a proper understanding of each is paramount for effective and avoiding simple injuries that may also result due to over training.A proper audit of ones health is equally important to ascertain that the trainer is not suffering from any medical complication that may be increased by the trainings that at time may be intense.Its only when all these are met that one can apply the above training methods and have remarkable results to boost of from the training, since ignoring the medical concern would basically be suicidal.IntroductionIn today’s contemporary world many people have taken up training in an attempt to improve their physical fitness or just take it up as a career or sport like the body builders. Weight and resistance methods of training have become more popular with many pe ople.These methods basically uses weight stuck as well as elastic resistance to help flex the muscles, by employing various training methods like super sets, forced reps, pyramid systems and periodization.This essay thus seeks to discuss and distinguish the above advanced training methods drawing the pros and cons of each method and their applicability, in order to provide a better understanding of each.Supersets are basically one of the advanced training methods that involve performing two exercises in a row without any rest or relaxation between the two sets. Supersets are basically body building method unlike other conventional methods like straight sets.The lack of rest in between the sets, poses a major disadvantage for this method in that it cannot be used effectively in building and developing power or strength. ( Venuto, 2008) the inability to develop power or strength comes as a result of the fact that the method does not allow for time for rest, thus this reduces the amoun t of weight that one can handle with the trainees strength declining with every additional supersetBorrowing from the saying that every coin has got two sides, supersets have got numerous advantages as well in that they help save time considerably, in that no much time is spent n relaxation in between the sets. Supersets just as the forced reps also help in increasing intensity of training that in the long run would enable the trainee develop muscles faster.According to (Venuto, 2008) Supersets also help in reducing injuries while training. This is due to the fact that the sets are continuous; the muscles get overloaded and thus generate higher intensity without necessarily having to increase the weights.In addition it important to explain the three major categories of supersets which include: same muscle group supersets which involve combining different exercises for a given muscle, the second type of superset is the Antagonistic muscle groups that derived its name from the antagon istic effect that results from pairing the two muscles enabling one to rest as the other is workig.Ffinally the last category of supersets is the staggered sets which involve combining unrelated muscles with minor and major muscles thus training continuously. (Venuto, 2008)The other method of advanced training is the periodization method which can be described as the changing of volume and intensity in a phased manner to stimulate gains and give room for recovery. Under this method the volume of training equipment is reduced during training while on the other hand the intensity is increased.(Cipriani,1997)further stipulates that periodization has the advantage of bringing variations in the training that elevates development of   more strength and muscles, while at the same time helping in controlling if not eradicating over training.Periodization basically helps bring planning into training for bodybuilders in that one would be able to properly allocate his training time evenly th ought the period available for instance one year thus avoiding the temptation of training all through that is always brought by the desire to achieve fast results.Periodization thus ensures balance in training allowing for both intensive and low training that balances well with the body that needs rest after an intensive phase thus reverting to less intensive training-low phase. (Cipriani, 1997)In order to accrue the full benefits of periodization a bodybuilder must be patient and self disciplined to follow the plan or schedule of training. It’s recommended that body builders basically need to use an approximate period of 1 year with the first half being the progressive resistance phase.As the name implies the trainee should start with light weights in the early periods of the phase and progressively or gradually add on weight until he/she reaches the current maximum weight after which the increase in reps would come weekly incorporated with rest intervals in between the sets . (Cipriani, 1997)  This brings out one major difference between periodization and supersets in that where as supersets do not allow for relaxation the former does and is more planned than the latter.The other method of advanced training method is the pyramid training method that operates under the principle of developing the muscles by increasing the amount of muscular contraction when performing the various sets in an exercise. In this method the weight is varied over different sets for instance five sets of 14, 12, 8, 12 and 14 reps would involve performing the first two sets with light to gradually medium weight as a warm up to the muscles.The work set which is also the middle set would involve the use of the heaviest weight to affirm the muscles with the drop sets which are lighter being used to fatigue the muscles further.(Delavier,2001) This system thus incorporates both the volume and intensity and thus popular with body builders.The major disadvantage with this technique is its inflexibility of use by different levels of bodybuilders in that with a full pyramid the weights may be too much for a starter to handle.Equally another advance training method is the Forced reps which are repetitions performed after a muscle failure and the trainee feels exhausted and cannot hold up the weight any more or perform any other repetition effectively. At this juncture the trainers always assist by helping in spotting the trainee.The major advantage of this method is that with good exercises forced reps can actually be performed without necessarily having   a spotter or training partner for instance with one arm having strong   bicep curls the remaining arm can as well be used in helping the arm that is being trained.(Hatfield,1993)ConclusionHaving distinguished and discussed the major advanced training methods in detail, it’s also important to conclude by highlighting the benefits of training in general in that today’s world is characterized by more and more people getting treatments for problems they would keep at bay by just remaining fit through training and eating well, Training basically helps develop strong muscular strength, appearance as well as improving ones breathing process.Thus being an important aspect of human life.Body metabolic rate on the other hand increases with the increase in muscular mass, which helps in burning fat thus preventing obesity. (Runacres, 2000)Weight training also guarantees other benefits in that constant training enhances good posture and in the process reducing injuries that always occur from everyday’s activities.All this said than done, proper training cannot work in isolation .It basically has to be coupled up with good nutrition, where in this case good nutrition meaning a balanced diet with a bias in proteins   and carbohydrates to help develop the body cells and provide sufficient energy respectively.In my opinion I would recommend that the trainees follow the trainerâ €™s instructions in order to achieve results in the various training methods being used to be successful.References:Cipriani, J. (2007) Periodization. Retrieved on 11th September 2008, from, F. (2001)   Strength training anatomy, human kinetic publishers.Hatfield, F. (1993) Hardcore body building: scientific approach, Mc Graw-hillRunacres,A.(2000)Advanced training strategies. Retrieved on, 11th September. From,T,(2008)How to build more muscles in less time with supersets. Retrieved  September 10th 2008 from:

How Muhammad Established Islam As A Major Political And Religious Force In The World Essay

While Muhammad was living with his wife Khadija, he often went to a cave outside Makkah called Hira, where he would reflect and pray. During one night in 610CE, when Muhammad was 40, he was in a cave on Mount Hira. God revealed himself to Muhammad. This was called the night of power, and it relates in Surah 95 of the Qur’an, which is entitled The Blood Clot. When Muhammad returned home, Khadija became his first believer. Then his cousin Ali, a freed slave called Zayd, and one of his closest friends, Abu Bakr, all became followers. There started one of the great religions of the world. Muhammad had a strong belief that there was only one God, the creator. He believed that all humans should be equal in their relationship with this creator. This undermined the tribes of Makkah who, especially the Quarish, rose up against Muhammad and his followers. All through his life, Muhammad fought to establish Islam, to gather followers, and to create a substantial political force. In the 22 years after the first revelation, until Muhammad died in 632CE, God delivered the Qu’ran to Muhammad, his messenger. By the time that God had finished revealing the Qu’ran, Muhammad had moved to Madinah. Hence we get Makkan and Medinan verses. The Makkan verses are usually shorter, more judgemental, and are found towards the end of the Qu’ran. After the second revelation, the night journey, Muhammad migrated to Yathrib, 40 miles north of Makkah, to settle disputes with the pilgrims from that town. He went there with family and followers in 622CE. When he arrived, he built a house, which was later to become the first mosque. He then renamed the town Madinah. This is where the central community was established. After Muhammad died, no one knew if he had named a successor. Usually, it would pass to his eldest son. In the end the leader was chosen by the Muslim community as a person of great personal integrity. This is the belief of the Sunni branch of Islam, who did not want a government, but they wanted to rely on an authoritative ruler. The Shi’a branch believes that the early history was biased against Ali, Muhammad’s cousin. When Ali did become the leader, those who believed Ali to be the true successor formed the separate ‘Party of Ali’. The Shi’a branch wanted a leader from the family of Muhammad. Islam was greatly diversified by the achievements of the first four caliph successors to Muhammad. Here is who they are and what they achieved in their rule: * Abu Bakr (632-634 CE) He and his armies conquered Arab tribes, and they went as far as the Byzantine Empire’s borders. Abu Bakr had more than a personal belief of Islam and he had a belief of political ideology. * Umar (634-644 CE) He continued after Abu Bakr and captured Jerusalem and North Africa. * Uthman (644-656 CE) After Ali turned down the caliphate, Uthman was chosen and he expanded the empire through North Africa and Eastwards to India and China. * Ali (656-661 CE) He made Mu’awiya co-caliph, a disastrous move. Two parties were formed, one supporting Ali, the other supporting Mu’awiya. Islam today is the second largest religion in the world and it is growing fast. It is significant in the modern politics. It also contributes to art, music, architecture and philosophy. The religion has grown to have over 2 billion followers. However recently Islamophobia has stepped in. Islam has been treated very cruelly by the western media in the last few years. However Islam means to surrender, or submit, and it is linked closely to another Arabic word meaning peace. Indeed a Muslim is ‘one who surrenders’.

Monday, July 29, 2019

American History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

American History - Assignment Example According to this treaty the disputed land was divided equally into specific access areas. In the race of reaching India by travelling west the French aimed to find a north-west route to India. Later they started colonizing in North America in order to exploit the fur trades and in order to compete with the other European powers that were coming up with methods to take over the Americas. Also these colonies provided them with the opportunity to reallocate their population in new areas. Joint stock companies is a form of business organization where people buy stocks or shares in the company which allows them to participate and take share of the company’s profits and benefits from other activities. The London company which was forming colonies in North America used this method in Virginia to expand their control and also to get the people involved in the betterment of the society by sharing the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Enterprise knowledge management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Enterprise knowledge management - Essay Example discussions on theories pertinent to the progress of a company or organization in the business realm (even lay persons think of business success in this way) is always equated to the continued accumulation of wealth or profit in terms of monetary returns or other similar concrete and measurable outputs. There is, indeed, nothing wrong with the old, traditional conception of business success. But what is made crystal-clear is the fact that such measure is not enough to gauge real capital of companies or organizations at play in our era – the era of knowledge. James Brian Quinn, Philip Anderson and Sydney Finkelstein in their article Managing Professional Intellect: Making the Most of the Best have explicitly stated that â€Å"intellectual assets, unlike physical increase in value and use. Properly stimulated knowledge and intellect grow exponentially when shared.†1 And this claim properly presents the notion that the call and demand of the time among and between companies and organizations is to continuously destroy all boundaries and hindrances of knowledge via sharing of knowledge from within and from without. But what does it entail? Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton in their article The Balance Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action have highlighted the stark reality that if companies in the contemporary period want to be competitive, aggressive and progressive they should learn to project not only within short term perspectives but that they should also be able to come up with a viable and workable long term plans. The idea of having long term plans and projections entail the presupposition of having human resources being thrust in the center as the main and focal point in business environment, in the connection and collaboration of organizational and structural systems moving towards the establishment of a harmonious and friendly yet very, very competitive ambiance in the business world. However, if one is going to be honest to one’s self one

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Personal and Organizational Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Personal and Organizational Ethics - Essay Example Most of the organizations have company lawyers who advise them on how to function without breaking the law. The public relations office ensures that companies relate well with other organizations. Despite the growing competition, companies and organizations should maintain originality of ideas and products in the market (Velasquez, 2006). Everyone in the business world must have basic managerial skills that will enable each one to perform their delegations in the organization well (McDaniel, 2004). Currently am serving as the quality assurance manager of an industrial company. This is a demanding position and the concepts learned in this course have been effective in helping me develop a personal code of ethics. I have also developed a vision mission statement that serves as a guideline to keep me always in conformity with the organizational ethics. As a manager, I have a strong value system and the most important of these values is always upholding my integrity. In performing all my managerial duties, I make sure that I do not compromise with my integrity as this reflects the inner person in me and an individual without integrity is not worth holding a post in society. Upholding integrity entails doing what is right irrespective of the cost. When dealing with other employees, I try my best to remain fair and understanding but never to allow compromise on my integrity. Honesty is another value that I practice in my daily work. Irrespective of the situation, I am honest to myself and to others. An individual must accept the realities that cannot change from deep within and this involves accepting weaknesses and appreciating strengths. From such serenity, an individual can practice honesty to others. Sometimes I make mistakes and I try to be honest enough to accept these as well as listen to advice even from my juniors. Management requires one to be a good team player (Velasquez, 2006). A good manager must understand the strengths and weaknesses of his or her tea m members and be able to bring out the best in them. Since this position is not about me, but rather the people at my service, I ensure that I delegate duties according to abilities of different employees. I give them opportunities to take challenges that present chances for growth in terms of acquiring new skills. The team members must grow and become better people in terms of personality and professionalism and therefore I have a great challenge of ensuring that delegation of duties presents each member with an equal opportunity to grow. I am a friendly individual and this has helped me greatly. All the employees feel free to approach me and share their concerns. I try to understand their issues and discuss with them possible solutions. It is not only about being friendly and understanding, but solving issues of employees requires one to be reasonable. Rationality helps in balancing the interests of the organization and those of an employee so that none of them suffers. This trait is of great use when dealing with clients and other corporate. However, I never let friendships affect decision-making; instead, I have learned to maintain good professional relationships with fellow employees. Communication is the most important aspect in the smooth running of activities. To be an effective manager I have to listen to ideas and

Friday, July 26, 2019

US Supreme Court Decision AT&T. versus Hulteen Research Paper

US Supreme Court Decision AT&T. versus Hulteen - Research Paper Example Hulteen 1). The matter in controversy is clear, if the employer does not give an employee full pension benefit by excluding the time of pregnancy leave on the ground that when the employee took pregnancy leave, the PDA Act was not operative, Can the employee file a suit for discrimination? Can the employee enforce credited leave time for such absence? Can the employee get relief under U.S. law and enforce greater pension benefit? What is the present law with regard to this matter? To find answers to the above questions, a research and in depth analysis of the case in hand would surely prove to be of great help, as discussed in the latter context of the paper. 2. The Dispute Before proceeding further into the case, knowledge of the facts of the case is essential. The petitioner of this case was the American Telegraph & Telephone Company, whereas the respondents consisted of individual respondents in the form of Noreen Hulteen, Eleanora Collet, Elizabeth Snyder, Linda Porter, and the c ollective-bargaining representative of the employees, the CWA or the Communications Workers of America (AT & T Corp v. Hulteen 3). AT & T provided pensions and other benefits to its employees on the basis of seniority system, relying upon the term of employment, which was equivalent to service at the company minus uncredited leave time. For a period extending from 1960 to mid-1970s the employees on disability leave got full service leave but those who took personal leave, which also included leaves for pregnancy, received a maximum service credit of 30 days. The respondents of this case received less service credit for pregnancy leave than they should have received, if they had taken a leave for disability. Respondent Noreen Hulteen received seven months less credit, Eleanora Collet received six months less credit, while Elizabeth Snyder and Linda Porter received two months less payment. If the total term of employment was not so decreased, they would receive greater pension benefit (AT & T Corp v. Hulteen 2-3). The individual respondents of this case and the CWA filed charges of discrimination against AT & T with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). After receipt of complaint EEOC issued a Letter of determination finding that AT & T had discriminated against Hulteen and similar class. The EEOC issued a notice of right to sue to the respondent and the CWA, after which Hulteen filed a suit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. Certiorari was granted by the Supreme Court on this issue to resolve a split between the decision of the Ninth Circuit on the one hand and on the other hand the Sixth and Seventh Circuits on the same issue (AT & T Corp v. Hulteen 3-4). Hulteen had to take the issue to the Court without negotiating a settlement due to the fact that she had to satisfy herself with considerably low pension than she would have received, if she would not have taken the pregnancy leave. The policy of AT & T Corp. will never have allowed her to enjoy the full pension benefits and she had to file a suit. The EEOC had to resort to a case, as it had to keep in mind the interest of the other workers. Finally, AT & T had to move to the Supreme Court, as it was not satisfied with the decision of the Ninth circuit. 3. The Procedure The suit never reached the District Court at the first instance. The individual respondents of this case and the CWA filed charges of discrimination with the EEOC, stating that discrimination has taken place on the basis of sex and pregnancy in violation of Title VII. The suit

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How has the sociology of education helped you understand gendered Essay

How has the sociology of education helped you understand gendered issues in education - Essay Example Unfortunately, all these social progress appear void when we hear reports of gender bias, and gender discrimination within the educational institutes. The educational institutions and academicians are the beacon of social reforms, the forum and its owners kindle progressive and visionary principles to sustain and developed society. It is discouraging to observe these vocalists of social and human rights, negating these principles in their professional attributes (Praechter, 1998, pp. 178). The article has elaborated the contributing factors which have caused gender split among the young generation. The faculty of the academic institutions are involved in certain measures which provoke differences between males and females; the steps are although deliberate but such offensive measures are so common in our schools that no one bothers to challenge or restrict such offensive statements. The sociologists have complained against the curriculum being taught to the young generations; and alleged that the basic differences between female and male society are exaggerated and highlighted in these schools. Such teachings in later stages develop a sharp edge between the students and professionals from both the genders. It is suspected that educational institutions establish primary differences between masculine and feminine in their teachings, which eventually translate into social inequality (Maher, 2001, pp. 78). It is alleged that "traditional gender ideologies and present changing gender norms affect the way gender is taught through the hidden curriculum found within every classroom today" (Lloyd, 1992, pp. 86). The schools are accused of teaching gender norms, which is source of intensifying the gender inequalities, "education is one of the leading institutions that teaches and bolsters the gender inequalities". The research reveals that the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organic compound boiling points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organic compound boiling points - Essay Example In order to figure out the order of organic compound boiling point, it is important to understand their trends. The important thing to make into consideration is that the boiling point is usually indicative of the force strength bonding its molecules together. When many molecules stick together, they will consequently need more energy to break the bonds and release the molecules as gases. Three important trends are considered including branching, which decreases the compound’s boiling point, and the number of carbons as boiling points increases with the increase in carbon atoms. Additionally, the relative strength of intermolecular forces is important (Hill & John, 2011: p32). The strength of the bonds in descending order is; Ionic> Hydrogen bonding> dipole- dipole> Van der Waals forces of dispersion. The influence of these attractive forces is dependent on the present, functional groups. The first trend is the strength, relative for all four compounds, of the intermolecular f orces. Molecules that are held together by dipole- dipole interactions, formed by the polarization of C-O bonds have a lower intermolecular energy when compared to compounds with hydroxyl groups, which are, in turn, capable of forming hydrogen bonds (Macomber, 2009: p11). Organic alcohols have significantly higher boiling points than other organic compounds because of this property, as can be derived. Molecules that have relatively the same molecular weights have their boiling points determined by the present, functional group. 3-Methyl-2-Butanone has a dipole-dipole intermolecular interaction model, and so it has a significantly low boiling point as compared to the other organic alcohols with hydrogen intermolecular bonding (Macomber, 2009: p12). The positive end of one molecule is attracted and bonded to a negative region of another molecule. For molecules with a similar functional group, such as the organic compounds under investigation, the boiling points increase with a rise in molecular weight. The key force that connects molecular size and intermolecular strength is the Van der Waals forces of dispersion that are proportional to the molecules’ surface area (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). Therefore, as the length of the chain increases, the surface area of the molecules also increases. Consequently, this results in an increased capability of the molecules in the compound to be attracted to each other. As the length of the chain increases, regions where they line up with each other increase. Each interaction may not be worth a lot, but added up over the entire chain length, the Van der Waals forces of dispersion have the ability to exert tremendous effects (Mehta & Manju, 2009: p29). 1-Hexanol has the highest molecular weight, coming in at 102.67 g/mol1, thus provides more surface area for intermolecular interaction. With the increased energy required to separate the molecules, the boiling point is high. Both 1-Pentanol and 3-Methyl-1-butanol have a mo lecular weight of 88.15 g/mol1, which is still higher than 3-methyl-2-butanone, which has a molecular weight of 86.13 g/ mol. Molecular symmetry is yet another by-product of Van der Waals forces of dispersion’s dependence on surface area. The straighter the compound’s molecules are, the better they line up, as well as bond. The spherical the molecules become, due to branching, the lower the surface area left for intermolecula

Rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rewrite - Essay Example If projects are mismanaged, they may result in high rates of turnover, ineffectiveness, poor productivity and low morale. A project is a process with different phases that are collectively referred to as the project life cycle. Different from business activities such as maintenance and operations, projects involve uncertainty and risk because of their unique nature, their complexity, cost and time constraints, as well as limited resources. This paper seeks to discuss the various phases of project management and its importance for organizations. Phases of Project Life Cycle The project life cycle can be defined as a logical sequence of events meant to achieve the goals and objectives of the project. Despite the complexity or scope of any project, it goes via a series of phases in its lifetime. The first phase is known as the initiation phase, followed by the planning phase, then the execution phase, and finally the closure phase. 1. Initiation Phase In this phase, the project’s phase is defined, as well as the approach that will be taken in order to deliver on the desired output (Keller & Field, 2012). The project manager is elected in this phase, after which he selects other team members taking into consideration their experience and skill. In this phase, the most common methodologies used are project charter, project framework, business plan, justification of the business case, and review of the milestones. The needs and objectives of the project are identified in this phase, and an appropriate response to this is documented with recommended options as solutions in the business case (Keller & Field, 2012). A feasibility study is carried out in order to investigate if every option addresses the objectives of the project, with a final solution being recommended. Issues of justification and feasibility are addressed in this phase. On approval of the recommended solution, the project is initiated in order to deliver on the solutions that have been approved. The major deliverables, as well as the participating work teams, are identified. At this stage, the team begins to shape up, and the project manager then seeks approval to start on the planning phase. 2. Planning Phase Project management’s second phase is also the planning phase where the solution for the project is developed further while focusing on detail. The necessary steps needed to complete the objective set out by the project are then set out (Keller & Field, 2012). During this step, the team members identify all the activities, which should be executed. There is also identification of tasks within the project and the strategy to be used in their fulfillment. This process is synonymously known as scope management. A plan for the project is drawn up including the timeframes, dependencies, tasks and activities. A project manager is tasked with coordinating the budget via the provision of cost estimates for materials and labor. The budget that is drawn up is used contro l and monitor cost expenditures during the execution phase. On identifying the work, preparing the schedule and making an estimate of the cost, then the fundamental components of this phase are complete. This phase acts as the excellent time for identification and dealing with threats to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Intercultural communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Intercultural communication - Essay Example It is way better than gestures some of which may be unacceptable in the patient’s culture. The use of pictorials involves provision of empty charts and marker pens, or a board where the patient is to describe his ailment or symptoms using pictures such as that of the stomach of head among others (Behar, et al. 201, pp. 476). The nurse will then point to various parts of the body to ask the questions and verify the symptoms. This will take longer as well. When the patients are unable to communicate effectively with the nurses or doctors, it means that diagnosis will be unable to be completed or will have numerous errors which may lead to more health problems with the patient. There are also other traditions which put restrictions on the type of healthcare worker they can have attending to them or the type of medication they can be provided with which hinders the treatment process as well as making the treatment process take unnecessarily longer in order to address the challenges (Srivastava, 2007, pp. 103). Behar, S. et al. (2013, October). Use of an Emergency Medical Pictorial Communication Book During Simulated Disaster Conditions. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 7(5): 475-480. DOI:

Monday, July 22, 2019

The History of African Americans Essay Example for Free

The History of African Americans Essay Jewish people had the horrific era ordeal of the Holocaust, Native Americans had to deal with the displacement of their people which lead to death, starvation and exposure to diseases while in en route to other locations. However one could suggest that African Americans had an extremely rough time, and till this day continue to have a rough time fighting for equality in all things. This is to not downplay the horrific, and devastating things that happened to other ethnicities, but despite the unfairness, the injustice, the inequality, African Americans have always found a way to rise to the occasion and still find some gleam of hope that one day things will be fair. African Americans have endured countless hardships, countless set-backs, and sometimes a seemingly never ending battle. Despite the way the United States have treated blacks from the time they brought slaves over to America on their ships, to this day in age, black people have not given up hope that one day all, especially African Americans will one day be treated equally. This purpose of this paper is to enlighten the accomplishments of the African American race as an whole, and will outline the many trials and tribulations that African Americans have gone through, the many contributions they have made, as well as the relentless efforts blacks have made to not turn its back on the United States, despite the country many of times turning its back, or more-so looking the other way while morally wrong events took place, despite the fact that it seemed oh so many times that they took three steps forward only to be knocked back two. Nonetheless they still prevailed and continuously paving ways and making things better for the next generation making harsh sacrifices, even to the extent of death. Immediately after the Civil War ended and Congress passing the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery in 1865, no more than a year later former Confederate states started passing the so-called â€Å"Black Codes†. What this basically meant was that blacks were now allowed to legally be married, own property, and also have a limited access to the courts, and by limited it meant only when a white person was not being testified against. They could not serve in state militias or on juries, vote, or even start a job without having the consent of a previous employer. They also came up with harsh laws for things that were beyond control such as making it a crime for being unemployed or making trivial offenses, handled on a felony level or with harsher sentences. It basically re-enslaved black people in another fashion by requiring blacks to sign yearly labor contracts, and if refused they risked being arrested and fined or typically forcing them into unpaid labor. (Black Codes , 2013) In 1867 five all black colleges were founded: Howard University, Morgan State College, Talladega College, St. Augustine’s College, and Johnson C Smith College. These schools were actually established 26 years before the end of slavery. Some may ask why were these schools still needed in the first place, or still needed after schools were desegregated in 1954. Well the answer to that question is one of many. For one we must examine this from a realistic angle, at that point in time education amongst African Americans was not encouraged by many whites during that time. Remember it was about 87 years between the time black colleges began existing and schools becoming desegregated. So one can only assume that there were many things done to discourage blacks from being educated such as making laws, and giving harsh punishments, burning down schools, or even extending to death, if discovered that one could read and was educated. Originally starting out the purpose of black colleges were simply for one to teach others to become teachers, however it lead to being the foundation of many inventors, educators, CEO’s, politicians, activists, entrepreneurs, scientist, etc. People such as Oprah Winfrey, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King Jr, Langston Hughes, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee, and the list could literally go on and on. HBCU’s gave African Americans a sense of pride, dignity, and respect. It helped lead to black people being able to achieve the dreams, that they saw their white counterparts achieving. As a matter of fact during the 80’s and early 90’s it was actually deemed cool to wear HBCU paraphernalia, and be college graduates. People such as Debbie Allen, Bill Cosby, and Spike Lee, promoted the education of African Americans through TV shows and movies, such as Spike Lee’s â€Å"School Daze†, and also on The Cosby show, as well as the spin-off of it entitled â€Å"A Different World†. Which basically showcased the college life of black students, and it gave insight to show others that there are people who look just like them who goes to college. (Coleman C, 2013) After the Civil War in 1865, African Americans began feeling liberated, and they began seeking the same kind of lifestyles they observed their white counter-parts having, such as education, good paying jobs etc. The 20th century â€Å"gave birth to a cultural revolution, the era coined the â€Å"Harlem Renaissance had earned its status as â€Å"the capital of black America†. (Williams, 2013)The existence of organizations such as the NAACP, The National Urban League, and individuals such as Marcus Garvey, African Americans were free to do what they pleased; they still searched for their identity, their â€Å"piece of the pie†. (AE, 2013) In 1931 a case that included nine African American males and two white girls, showcased the injustice in the law when it contained African Americans. The Scottsboro Tragedy is the story of 9 young black males who hopped a train in hopes of finding work, but the only thing they ended up finding was a whole lot of trouble. These nine young men were accused of raped by a 17, and 21 year old white woman. Not that it was anything new to black people, but it was a landmark case that brought to light how the justice system in America differed when the accused are African Americans. This case highlighted how no facts, no evidence, or any proof was used. These young men simply were guilty with no ability to be proven innocent. Keep in mind that the most these boys could have done was hoboing through the train, and possibly could have gotten into a altercation with the white boys and perhaps have gotten the better of them. So for them to be accused of such a heinous crime as rape, showed just how much white people despised of black people. The majority of these young men would end up being falsely imprisoned, having the label of rapist pinned to their name, and go through three different trials that kept proving how the justice system was unfair, especially how one of the white girls recanted her story admitting that she fabricated everything and none of the young black men had ever touched her. But of course in those times it honestly did not matter, because they didn’t have access to fair trial, proper representation, and neither did the whole â€Å"innocent until proven guilty rule† apply to them. (Group, Scottsboro: An American tragedy, 2001) For many years to come America, especially black America would see time and time again how race would play a major factor in the laws and more-so of who which laws apply to whom. In the past years alone we have seen numerous cases of black men being accused of rape, when the evidence barely matched up, or if there were any evidence at all led to the unfar conviction of many black men who either spend many years behind bars for crimes they did not commit, only to be released because the DNA was not a match. Or the many black men who are beaten or killed by cops, specifically white cops, and the ruling comes back not guilt, and the legal systems tells people that it is ok for the police to shoot a unarmed main 50 times, when all he was doing was reaching for his wallet. Despite the inequality, the unfairness, and lack of opportunities in America towards African Americans, that did not change the fact that black Americans felt the need to not only prove they were intellectually capable of the task that the military needed but also, to show patriotism of the African American race. Although it seems ironic how blacks were fighting to keep the freedom for a country where they struggled to have the basic freedoms of others such as equal opportunities when it came to education, job opportunities and basic respect from other individuals. (Group, 2002). The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African American pilots who were at first seemed to be nothing more than the military carrying out orders to have a group of educated black pilots, but they soon became one of the main forces behind winning the war with their bombing escorts. The very interesting thing about these men was that all they wanted to do was to prove that they were just as intelligent, educated, and has just as much tenacity as the white men. But they were constantly harassed not only outside the military but also inside the military as well. They were given missions that to be quite honest were nothing that proved they were capable of flying an aircraft. But as stated previously even after all their accomplishments and them fighting to keep the freedom of America, they still were treated as second or even third rate citizens, they were treated as if they never made contributions. 1945 marked the beginning of African Americans being able to not only express themselves, but keep current with events that affect s them, and topics that were directed toward black people. Ebony magazine was established and it was and still is a monthly magazine. The magazine was catered to African Americans, and it discussed health, fitness, finances, love, and simply African Americans live and achievements. The reason why this magazine was and still is so pertinent to the black culture because the magazine is catered to African Americans, because it gave black people a voice, it gave a voice that was relevant to people of color, and the topics were pertinent to black people has a whole. Ebony magazine paved the way for future magazines such as Jet, Essence, Black Enterprise etc. (Shahid, 2013) Malcolm X became one of the most influential people during the civil rights era, he was one of the first individuals to rejects the nonviolent civil-rights movement and integration, and became a champion of African American separatism and black pride (Davis, 2013). Now depending on who you ask, some may say X was one of the pioneers and his methods were necessary, and others may say he was nothing more than a trouble maker. But after careful research Malcolm X was a great man and it was not that he condoned violence, he condoned people standing up for themselves. He only was stating facts and the facts were the non-approach was not achieving much, and in the meantime black people were being killed in the masses because they weren’t fighting back. A man who seemed to be the opposite of Malcolm X, well in approach to the issue of direction of dealing with the Civil rights of African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr, became one of the most influential pioneers and voices of the civil rights movement. His nonviolence approach was both highly criticized as well as commended. (laureates, 2013) King worked diligently to establish racial equality, with his many sit-ins, protest and marches. He achieved many accomplishments in his lifetime, but that of course did not come without criticism because of his non-violent approaches, some people felt that King was furthering the slow progress of black people because they were not standing up for themselves. However his motive was the whole â€Å"kill them kindness† approach because he wanted to show that they weren’t just angry black people who wanted to fight, but he wanted people to understand what they were fighting for. In 1966 Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seales founded the Black Panther Party, a radical black power group, in Oakland, California. This was an organization was like no other and for those who had hate and animosity towards black people, and were considering starting trouble were in for a rude awakening. Because this group of individuals were organized, and as ironic as it may sound they established themselves as protection of the neighborhoods because of the police brutality that existed. And although they developed a reputation for militant rhetoric and clashes with the police. This was still an important time for African Americans because it gave the fire to stand up for themselves and basically fight fire with fire so to speak. The organization was short lived, and as certain research shows that certain federal, state, and local officials went through great lengths to discredit and destroy the organization, including but not limited to assassinations. African Americans have contributed a lot to not only this world but especially to the United States. As a whole they have jumped over hurdle after hurdle, they have continuously bounced back after many set-backs, and when so called rules were set into place they made it their business to break down barriers. Black people have accomplished a lot of things and despite the United States always backing them up, or them moving extremely slow to make progress, African Americans are still striving to make things equal and fair. But with all that said despite their being a African American President in office black people are still a ways away from the â€Å"promise land†. Because African Americans are still unfairly targeted by police, there is still gaps when it comes to getting loans, the rates on these homes, lack of good education, and fairness in jobs and pay. But no one can argue the fact that African Americans have made many contributions to the United States, despite the U. S. not always showing gratitude. Bibliography (n. d. ). Black Codes . (2013, April 13). Retrieved from The History Channel website. : http://www. history. com/topics/black-codes. AE, T. (2013, April 13). Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from The Biography Channel website: http://www. biography. com/tv/classroom/harlem-renaissance#tgm Coleman C, D. (2013, http://hbcuconnect. com/history. shtml 14). The History of Historically Black Colleges Universites. Retrieved from HBCU Connect: http://hbcuconnect. com/history. shtml Davis, O. (2013, April 14). Malcolm X about bio. Retrieved from Malcolm X Biography: http://www. malcolmx. com/about/bio. html Group, F. M. (Director). (2001). Scottsboro: An American tragedy [Motion Picture]. Group, F. M. (Director). (2002). The Tuskegee airmen: They fought two wars [Motion Picture]. laureates. (2013, April 13). nobel prizes. Retrieved from Nobel Prize org: http://www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. html Shahid, S. (2013, April 14). 65 Years Ago in News History: The Birth of Ebony Magazine. Retrieved from newseum: http://www. newseum. org/news/2010/10/65-years-ago-in-news-history-the-birth-of-ebony-magazine. html Williams, A. (2013, April 14). Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from In Academic World Book. : http://www. worldbookonline. com/academic/article? id=ar246340.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effect of Substance Abuse on Child Upbringing

Effect of Substance Abuse on Child Upbringing Need for Treatment Women with children According to Miller (2001), the number of substance abuse treatment facilities for mothers with young children is very limited and therefore, implementation of local outpatient programs is very important to meet their specific treatment needs. Substance abuse treatment for single mothers is given a lower importance than the sufficient provision of their children in terms of safety and physical needs (Miller, 2001). Treatment of substance abuse and prevention of lifetime relapse requires various approaches (Miller, 2001). According to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (as cited in Miller, 2001), more than one-third of females who abused drug have undergone major depressive episodes and shown symptoms of mental health problems. Therefore, women who are abusing substance are more likely to experienced mental health problems as well. On the other hand, there is a high possibility that they will end up becoming the victims of domestic violence or experience partner violen ce (Miller, 2001). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (as cited in Miller, 2001) stated that when problems regarding domestic violence failed to be addressed, it will interfere with the effectiveness of treatment and might lead to relapse. Moreover, the high rate of women involving in the legal system is also associated with substance abuse (Miller, 2001). Furthermore, women who are involved in substance abuse lack parenting skills, overreact with harsh discipline or neglecting their children due to their previous experience with same dysfunctional family patterns during their childhood years (Miller, 2001). By looking from the social learning perspective, this means that they are unaware that their children are seeing them as role model and might follow their footsteps in abusing substance. Need for treatment success In order to achieve successful participation in substance abuse treatment, the various needs of patients need to be known. Miller (2001) stated that mother with young children will only be able to focus on her addiction after basic needs such as food, shelter, and water of the family were addressed. Therefore, if any of the needs are affected, it may cause the mother to abandon the ongoing treatment. Besides that, in order for the treatment to be successful, clients must believe or have a positive perception towards the treatment that it will help them alleviate their addiction. Catalano, Ashery, Robertson, and Kumfer (as cited in Miller, 2001), found that including parenting program to clients in substance abuse treatment will significantly decrease the chances of relapse after treatment besides improving preservation because these clients believe that having good parenting skills is important. Miller (2001) pointed out several steps that can ensure a successful treatment program. One of it is to remove attendance barriers by permitting mothers to bring along their children to participate in the treatment program. Besides that, providing child care, training skills for children, and knowledge on substance abuse will make way for the identification of their emotional and behavioural problems. Likewise, providing parenting skills training and support services will help mothers with young children to increase their self-esteem. According to Miller (2001), he stated that funding basis is very important to develop and expand substance abuse treatment program in order to promote and nurture better stability in families by helping mothers to deal with their addiction while at the same time to become a better parent to the children. Amongst child welfare cases in which parents are having substance abuse is concomitant with increasing rates of child re-victimization, higher possibility of out-of-home placement, longer placement in care, and higher rates of child adoption and parental rights termination (Kaufman Oliveros, n.d.). Therefore, it is important to focus on several needs and factors besides addressing treatment barriers to ensure the success of treatment completion. One of the ways to ensure treatment completion is with the introduction of Family Treatment Drug Courts (FTDC). According to Kaufman and Oliveros (n.d.), several studies on FTDCs found that they are associated with a better substance abuse treatment initiation, lengthier stay in treatment, lesser days in out-of-home placement for children, higher frequency of family reunification, and higher chances of treatment completion. Kaufman and Oliveros (n.d.) continued to state that parents who attended FTDC and have completed the treatment quicker have almost 90 percent chance of reunification and have their children returned. A study found in the work of Kaufman and Oliveros (n.d.) suggested that it is important to work with extended family and natural supports to enhance permanency outcomes for children. Creating cross-system collaborations and placing a substance abuse specialist in child welfare institutions seems to be an effective strategy for increasing intake rates (Kaufman Oliveros, n.d.). Motivational Interviewing (MI), a person-centered and collaborative form of counselling that stimulates and reinforces motivation for change is an extremely effective approach to improve treatment initiation and completion as well increase treatment entry among substance abuser (Kaufman Oliveros, n.d.). Furthermore, substance abuse treatment initiation can be enhanced by outreach and engagement strategies (Kaufman Oliveros, n.d.). Outreach and engagement strategies are also effective at increasing substance abuse treatment completion rates when used with FTDC (Kaufman Oliveros, n.d.). On the other hand, today, FTDC and the newly developed home-based treatment intervention for substance abuse seem to be the most promising treatment program to improve treatment outcomes (Kaufman Oliveros, n.d.). Home-based substance abuse treatment program has an advantage of dealing with poverty related treatment barriers by bringing the program to those who cannot afford to access other substance abuse treatment programs. Treatment approaches that are delivered must not only emphasize on reducing the symptom but must also increase environmental stability and improve social functioning (Belcher, Briggs, Suarez, Titus, 2012). In order to achieve treatment success, structural resources that assist bonds among providers must be developed or enhanced to nurture more integrated service sectors (Belcher et al., 2012). Treatment services can only be fully integrated after changes are implemented across the whole system rather than within individual treatment programs (Belcher et al., 2012). Berlin (2002) stated four main common concerns that every treatment should have. The first concern is that treatment must be multi-dimensional and comprehensive by identifying numerous domains. Treatment must also include resources or access to services. Next, family therapy must be included to enhance communication among family members besides improving parental and guidance skills. The last concern is that after-care mu st be included in order to prevent relapse from occurring. Pressing Problems Parents who abuse substance are associated with the significant increase risk of child maltreatment and it is frequently under reported by child protective services (Bellettiere, Chuang, Cross, Wells, 2013). Family functioning and the well-being of children are also at risk when parents abuse drugs and alcohol (Bellettiere et al., 2013). Besides that, there is a high possibility that caregivers who abuse substance will engage health risk behaviours and mistreat the children in their care (Bellettiere et al., 2013). On the other hand, the children of parents who abuse alcohol and drugs will probably experience problems in terms of their emotion and behaviour as well as cultivate their own substance abuse in their later stage of adolescence and early adulthood (Bellettiere et al., 2013). A number of costly and alarming social problems can be associated directly to drug dependence. Recent studies estimated that the United States government has to spend around 67 billion dollars annually in crime, low productivity of work, foster care, and other social problems caused by drug dependence (Kleber, Lewis, McLellan, O’Brien, 2000). Volkow and colleagues (as cited in Kleber et al., 2000) found that the dopamine system of individuals who abstain from using cocaine was impaired three months after their last use. Other studies (as cited in Kleber et al., 2000) found that there was sustained variations in the stress response system after former substance users abstain from using opiate or cocaine. The response of encountering an individual or something that is earlier associated with drug use that might create conditioned physiological reactions and craving for the drug can combine to produce the feeling of loss of control (Kleber et al., 2000). The relapse frequencies which were reported to be very high are a clear sign of the negative reinforcement that alcohol and drugs have on people (Berlin, 2002). Alcohol causes more than 150,000 deaths each year and alcohol kills more Americans compared to other drugs other than tobacco which caused 440,000 deaths annually (Wu, 2005). Alcohol consumption has a negative effect on the central nervous system and brain that will cause those who consume alcohol to be aggressive and engage in risk taking behaviours (Wu, 2005). National Institute on Drug Abuse (as cited in Wu, 2005) stated that marijuana might induce impairment of short term memory, attention span, judgment skills, coordination and balance, learning skills, and other cognitive functions. The withdrawal symptoms of marijuana include irritability, restlessness, decreased appetite, insomnia, tremor, chills, and increased body temperature (Fisher Harrison, 2013). Besides that, cocaine will cause someone to have decreased appetite and sleep, increased heart rate, muscle spasms, and convulsions (Wu, 2005). The withdrawal symptoms of cocaine include intense drug craving, irritability, dep ression, anxiety, and lethargy (Fisher Harrison, 2013).

Needs Assessment for Cervical Cancer Screening

Needs Assessment for Cervical Cancer Screening References Bailie,R.S., McDonald,E.L., Stevens,M., Guthridge,S., Brewster,D.R. (2010). Evaluation of an Australian indigenous housing programme: community level impact on crowding, infrastructure function and hygiene. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. doi:10.1136/jech.2009.091637 Bunchs theory Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved from Department of Health. (2014). Cervical cancer screening (may 20). Retrieved from Marmot,M.G., Wilkinson,R.G. (2006). Social determinants of health (2nded.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mikhailovich K, Morrison P, Arabena K. (2007). Evaluating Australian Indigenous community health promotion initiatives: :. a selective review. Rural and Remote Health, 746(7). Retrieved from Pap tests, Pap smears, HPV, cervical cancer PapScreen Victoria. (2014, August). Retrieved from Prochaska and DiClemente. (1983). Transtheoretical Model of Change, a theoretical model of behavior change. Stages of Change Model/Transtheoretical Model (TTM). Retrieved from Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. (n.d.). Women?s Cervical Screening Strategy 2006 2010 by Sandy Angus. Round,R. (2005). Planning for effective health promotion evaluation. Dept of Human Services, Deakin University. The Social Identity Approach in Social Psychology. (n.d.). Bunchs theory Google Search. Retrieved from 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Stranger Essay -- Literary Analysis

While reading The Stranger I noticed that traits that Albert Camus character depicts in the book are closely related to the theories of Sigmund Freud on moral human behavior. Albert Camus portrays his character of Meursault as a numb, emotionless person that seems to mindlessly play out his role in society, acting in a manner that he sees as the way he’s supposed to act, always living in the moment with his instincts driving him, and if the right circumstance presents itself the primal deep seeded animal will come out. I believe that most of the character’s traits fall under Freud’s notion of the Id and Ego mental apparatus, and don’t believe that his idea of the super-ego is represented in this book. In the beginning of The Stranger Meursault first showed himself as a numb, emotionless person, who goes through the motions of life simply driven by his instincts when he attended his mother’s funeral. When at the funeral he showed no emotion whatsoever, here his mother lies dead and he should be grieving, yet all he really notices is how hot the room was they were holding the funeral in. He didn’t even wish to see her body before she was buried to say his goodbyes. This shows me that he has no moral bind to anyone or anything, and the only feelings he has is those given to him from primal instinct, of which are just needed for survival like being hungry, tired, hot, and so on. Freud would say that’s depicts how all humans are. According to James Strachey, Freud believes that the way we as humans conduct ourselves throughout our lives is directly related to the Id, which is everything that is inherited from our ancestors and is fixed into us at berth, and i t’s the force caused by the need of our Id that is our instincts (14... ...he Stranger. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1946. Print. Costigan, Giovanni. Sigmund Freud, a Short Biography. New York: Macmillan, 1965. Print. "Freud's Personality Factors." Changing Minds and Persuasion -- How We Change What Others Think, Believe, Feel and Do. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. . Freud, Sigmund, and James Strachey. An Outline of Psychoanalysis. New York: W. W. Norton, 1949. Print. Freud, Sigmund, and James Strachey. The Ego and the Id. New York: Norton, 1989. Print Freud, Sigmund, James Strachey, and Peter Gay. An Outline of Psycho-analysis. New York: W.W. Norton, 1989. Print. "Superego." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. . "The Stranger." SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. .

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Life Support of the Forestry Regime: Case Studies of Two Transnatio

The Life Support of the Forestry Regime: Case Studies of Two Transnational NGOs Introduction As relatively new actors in international relations, nongovernmental organizations or NGOs are becoming a vital component for successful environmental regimes. NGOs organize transnational advocacy networks that link state actors, businesses, and other organizations. The forestry regime is relatively weak as compared to other environmental regimes because of a lack of international agreements and state policies regarding forest conservation. NGOs have attempted to fill this state actor void and are beginning to shape the quality of the regime by establishing principles to guide state behavior. NGOs have developed conservation and management strategies, financed reforestation projects, and fostered business partnerships. This essay compares the strategies of the World Wide Fund for Nature (referred to as the World Wildlife Fund-WWF in English speaking countries) and Rainforest Alliance, two international NGOs that are involved with forestry projects in developing countries. The c omparison indicates that both increase public awareness through different strategies. The WWF defines overarching goals and finances broad programs and the Rainforest Alliance focuses on industry through certification programs. Though both NGOs have not significantly changed international policy, they have been successful in creating a civil society to support the regime. If NGOs continue to change the public’s values and increase their involvement with local communities, they will become an even greater source of strength within the forestry regime. Where have our global forests gone? Deforestation is a significant threat to the world’s biodiver... ...Asia-Pacific: Corporations and Environmental Management. New York: Cambridge University Press. 202pp. Rainforest Alliance- Innovative Solutions for Global Conservation. Online. The Rainforest Alliance. Available: updated 2004 [accessed 4/5/04]. Shapiro, C. 2003. Indonesian Wood Certified as Legally Cut Arrives in Norfolk, Va. Port. Virginian-Pilot. Aug. 6, 2003. Wapner, P. 2004. Politics Beyond the State: Environmental Activism and World Civic Politics. In Green Planet Blues, edited by K. Conca and G.D. Dabelko, (pp. 122-139). Boulder, CO.: Westview Press. Wilson, B., Van Kooten, G.C., Vertinsky, I., Arthur L. 1999. Forest Policy: International Case Studies. New York: CABI Publishing. 273pp. WWF Forests for Life Programme. Online. The World Wide Fund for Nature. Available: updated 2004 [accessed 4/5/04].

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bruce Dawe Essay

The Second World War changed many things: the face of Europe, the balance of world power, and, perhaps less notably, the perception of the common Australian. From Federation day to the 1940s, most poets wrote about the ideal ‘aussie’; the strong, silent outback-dweller; the Man from Snowy River or the Man who went to Ironbark. The 1950s were a time of change, and Australian Literature changed too, from aggrandizing the increasingly rare ‘Dundee’s, to noting the average Australian living in suburbia with the other four-fifths of the population. This essay will cite specific examples of poems of a man commonly regarded as Australia’s greatest living poet from 1950 to 1990. Through Bruce Dawe’s poetry the true Australian persona has arisen to global knowledge. One of Bruce Dawes most famous poems, written in the 1950s, is Enter Without So Much As Knocking. In this poem he highlights the plight of a ‘modern’ man who slowly comes to realize and embrace the faà §ade surrounding suburban life and its incessant consumerism. â€Å"Well-equipped, smoothly-run, economy-size† These terms give the feeling of mass production – just as well-equipped, smoothly-run, economy-size cars; these sorts of households must have been very common. Again the fact that these people lack individuality is being focused on and it is disputed whether this is correct. The rest of the family are presented as stereotypes. Whereas in the days of The Man From Snowy River, where individuality, rebelliousness and going against the grain are commonplace and celebrated as courageous, in this world, it would seem ‘inefficient’. The poem itself is discussing a man’s journey from birth to death and how all around him life is interpreted by material possessions. A famous quote from this poem shows the change that mechanized and money hungry living brings to man. â€Å"Anyway, pretty soon he was old enough to be realistic like every other godless money-hungry back-stabbing miserable so-and-so†. This is a dramatic transformation from the poems of war and outback mateship, of jumping on a grenade to save your friends in the foxhole. Now, â€Å"It’s Number One every time for this chicken, hit wherever you see a head and kick whoever’s down†. Clearly, Dawe is conscious of the changes affecting Australian persona. Bruce Dawe often uses humour to devastating effect. In Pigeons also are a way of life, a city councilor is mocked for his petty-mindedness, highlighting the utter bureaucracy that society and everyday life has become. â€Å"The problem was, he brooded overmuch, and took things personally that were not meant, so that each juvenile delinquency of nature seemed an outrage aimed at him† This quote encapsulates the trivial nature of the councilor, that he considered nature juvenile, and that he was too puffed-up in his self importance to respect habits that have and will outlast him, his city and certainly his civilization. This is done to bring to light the incredible conceit of man in relation to the environment. Whereas the bushman lived off the land, respecting it, modern man destroys it contemptuously to make room for suburbs and cities, and it’s men like this who are responsible. Homo Suburbiensis is a poem about a man, a regular man, with a garden that represents his escape from the demands of his existence. â€Å"Homo Suburbiensis† uses one man’s escape from his life to represent our universal need to contemplate and resolve our own uncertainties in life in our own special place. This poem speaks about suburbia, and escaping from it into nature, Bruce Dawe illuminates the plight of this man and how the tolls of modern life are affecting him. â€Å"One constant in a world of variables† represents how this small garden in is his only avenue for escaping into order, his order. Whereas the outback is constantly described as freedom, this man’s only freedom is a small vegetable patch. A little known poem from the 1980s era of Bruce’s writings, Looking Down from Bridges, takes a look back at the world of his childhood, from the perspective of nostalgia. â€Å"Looking down we see an earlier world living on in the interstices of the present, like green wheat in the gutters of the bulk feed store or the odd shy weatherboard holding out between factories† This citation details the vision of the past through the mind’s eye to childhood, showing the simplicities of an earlier time where there were fewer factories, where â€Å"troops of tiny children tentatively skipping† played in the street. This is Bruce where he is his most grandfatherly, regaling tales  of how life used to be, and how it has changed, from small wooden houses with bush on either side to sprawling conurbation without room to breathe or, in the children’s case, to play in the streets. ‘Life-cycle’, is one of his well-known poems that dramatises how the common ‘Aussie bloke’ is influenced by football. It ridicules the fact that football for people has become like a religion. Not speaking of a specific event, this poem describes the general cycle of life of a resident of suburban Australia. From birth people are encouraged to barrack for their teams, and build a life around football. This ‘religion’ is implied on the ‘innocent monsters’ by their parents and surroundings. â€Å"they are wrapped in the club-colours, laid in beribboned cots, having already begun a lifetime’s barracking† Dawe is showing that this will be the purpose of the child’s life. He will grow up living and breathing football, and worshipping it without giving a second thought to the true purpose of life. Using simple structure and simple language, he is able to best convey his morals to the common people that it affects. Gently mocking people with his vibrant expression of the game, with Christian symbolism he compares it to the bible – highlighting that it is, but shouldn’t be regarded of the same importance as Christianity. â€Å"They will forswear the Demons, cling to the saints and behold their team going up the ladder into Heaven† Dawe describes the actual important things in life – marriage, proposals, as just a sidetrack to football, done quickly in between games. Football is the focus of these people’s lives – anything else is merely a diversion to football and should be taken care of quickly so that they can get back to the game. â€Å"- the reckless proposal after the one-point win, the wedding and the honeymoon after the grand-final†¦Ã¢â‚¬  We almost begin to pity these poor people, to whom living their lives has taken second place in importance to football. By using triumphant words such as ‘behold’ ‘passion’ and ’empyrean’ Dawe is showing great sarcasm, as he did with the Christian symbolism. It is like he is asking the readers why football is now as important to the Australians as their religion, and highlighting the fact that it is not supposed to be like this. From this  quote: â€Å"having seen in the six-foot recruit from Eaglehawk their hope of salvation† Bruce Dawe purposefully makes the last word of the poem salvation, this word, generally associated with heaven, and the fact that living a good, Christian life will supposedly lead to our salvation and we will go to heaven, not hell. But it is not from God that these people gain their salvation – they see salvation in the recruit, the strong football player who has come to play for their team and could bri ng the team victory. With that Dawe makes obvious the skewed priorities of these people, and how futile and pointless their existence is. ‘Carn, carn’ they cry, from birth unto death, never knowing anything else, never living. As is evident, Bruce Dawe truly has highlighted the changes in Australian literature. Changes brought about by himself, for he is truly the most influential Australian Poet of this century. By departing from the common norm of Outback mythology to discuss the curve of a man’s life, his passion for sport and the ways in which suburbia has taken over Australian lives, he earns his title of the ‘People’s Poet’. Bruce Dawe has changed the perception of the average Australian worldwide.

Act one of the crucible Essay

almost of the names yelled out may be random, in force(p) Abigail has a vengeance to get even. This is why Elizabeth monitor lizard is later call(a)ed to trial. arrange One doesnt show Abigail shouting out Elizabeth watchs name because it would ruin the terminate when Elizabeth must go. It would make it far similarly obvious and the audience would be expecting it. up to now though confusion runs high in this act, moth miller administers to slip in a few important and easily tacit facts, such as who has a grade against who and why they bear that sexual conquest.Some of the aversions atomic number 18 quite complex and are all over complicated matters such as Abigail disliking Elizabeth Proctor. This grudge is quite complex because it is mixed up in the fact that Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth for macrocosm John Proctors wife. Others, such as Thomas Putnams grudge against Rebecca Nurse are quite simple. These grudges manage to affect justice later on in the play, be cause e actuallybody is just out to settle a personal score. Act 1 is a good introduction to this. individually fictional character adds the influence of their personality.They as well tot forth their own piece of schooling to the humbug. Each character has a small, municipal story line which is eventually shown to authorise an extra insight into the story. Each character adds tension to the story line in the shape of what information and dramatical influence they ca-ca to give to the play. One other nous is that of witchcraft. Did the girls actually do anything magic in the forest or were they just mucking well-nigh and pretending that what happened was worse than it actually was, just to get a bit of help? There are conflicting statements about(predicate) what they were doing.At the beginning Abigail is saying that all they did was dance. Then, slightly later, Mrs Putnam says that her daughter, Ruth, was trying to conjure up the spirits of her seven dead babies. Also, when Betty wakes, she dialog about Abigail drinking blood and qualification a charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor. It is also menti unmatchabled that Tituba did some of her Barbados magic. With these different explanations, the indorser and audience must rely on attitudes and behaviour to give them the answer. Mary Warren, for instance, is very nervous and this must be for a reason.Also, Abigail gets very tetchy and defensive to separate with whenever witchcraft is mentioned. It is here that the phrase in that respects no smoke without apprize comes into play. The girls were obviously doing something which wasnt allowed otherwise they wouldnt act so anxiously around the subject. The film had an interesting take on the opening sequence. Whereas in the book, the girls were supposed to defecate been dancing in the forest to Titubas songs, the film shows them performing proper unappeasable magic. They have a cauldron and are standing in a great deal around it.One by one they drop a herb or some flowers into the mixture before, finally, Tituba kills a raspberry and puts that in as well. This was an interesting bureau to start the film as it makes it seem as if the girls were actually dabbling in the occult. This is some other example of how Miller uses confusion constructively as it makes you think about whats really happening. This play has roots on legion(predicate) different levels, not to the lowest degree in the domestic family life Most referred to in Act One and Act Two. It is a kind of commentary on family life, neighbourly feuds and shrouded affairs gone public.Millers play tells a story of guilt, regret, darkness, anger, vengeance, mass hysteria, hope, benevolence among the unscrupulous and heroism. In his lavish text Miller makes legitimate that there is always at to the lowest degree one emotion which you can advert to and that there is always a saving-grace for all(prenominal) character, something to make you sympathise with them-if o nly a little. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student indite piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Master Patient Index and Primary Keys

HSIS FALA09 Master Patient indicator and first Keys The Master Patient Index (MPI) is an electronic medical shew agreement for both uncomplaining registered in a health cautiousness organization. The MPI is stored in a database and contains a unique identifier, known as the direct Key (PK). The PK is unique and identifies distributively record in the database. The MPI is considered the most important imaginativeness in a health care expertness (AHIMA).The MPI will contain the core elements intimately a uncomplaining such as name, address, ph adept get, date of birth, gender, race, social security measure number, and the unique affected role identification number (Merida). The MPI identifies all affected roles that have been treated in a facility or healthcare organization. The PK is the unique identification number associated with the tolerant. The PK allows a unhurried to be cross-referenced between polar facilities inside a healthcare system (AHIMA).Each tim e a diligent visits a facility within the healthcare organization the registration system within the facility will look to the MPI for the patient development. If no record exists then one will be created at registration. operate obtained by the patient at each facility will now be linked to the MPI record using the PK (AHIMA). The MPI allows historic data about a patients care to be stored and later(prenominal) obtained.The MPI also allows access to information from any clinic, mendelevium, laboratory, radiologist, medications, known allergies, referrals, billing, and accounts receivable with the use of the PK. The MPI allows for flying and accurate storage of a patients care. Quick access to a patients full medical history by a physician allows for better patient care (AHIMA). The MPI enables the health care organization to improve patient care by means of the integration of patient records and ensuring that all historical care information on each patient resides in one rec ord.It also helps the health care organization to decrease costs through improved operational power. Improved patient care, decreased costs, and improved operational efficiency make the Master Patient Index one of the most important resources in a healthcare facility. References American wellness Information focal point Association (AHIMA). (Dec. 2, 2009) Retrieved from http//www. ahima. org/ Johns, Merida L. , (2002). Concepts of health Information Management. In S. Anderson (Eds. ), The _Health Information Management _Series (pp. 20-49). New York Delmar.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or once you have finished to reflect the stream of your arguments, you might want to rewrite it.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation good introductions that are lengthier than they are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder good for a reader to grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A brief introduction will locate off the essay and wont create a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately big draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Keeping the debut can enable you to make sure check your research remains on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective and the problem clear statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to study this more particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve with this further research study as well as what outcome you expect.Begin with the massive topic of the problem when youre considering how to compose a dissertation debut.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The last part of your brief introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your unpublished dissertation is constructed.

It has to be intriguing so as to arouse interest, and stick out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the length of the dissertation introduction, how there are no specific requirements. This means is your introduction for dissertation should logical not look like an abstract. However, it does not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.Studies dont have hypotheses.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation introduction on your part first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress worn out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get down to the easy task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you are finished with unpublished dissertation writing.

In an abstract you must outline what your study is about in character.Make sure the interested reader understands the aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the angeles long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it good will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be more able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as full well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in your research.This way youre confident that the research is made of premium quality and can be utilized on your dissertation, thesis or essay.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and special mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

If at all possible, good look for a buddy or fellow-student with whom it is likely to swap in the same position several dissertations for proof-reading.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate how them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have well chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in own mind that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure deeds that the finished version remains coherent.The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out.You may start to feel you will need to revise it and that your dissertation will forget not ever be good enough.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cognitive Approach to Psychology

Shane Galvin-061 AT- employ psychogenic intuition Shane Galvin aim 061/AT Applied mental in moldation t separatelyer carol Neenan designation psychological berth raillery calculation 3121 The cognitive woo to psychological scientific discipline content page 1 t up to(p) of contents summon 2 penet tail endion summon 3 business consanguinity varlet 4 cognitive psychological attainment and cognitive skill pageboy 6- hold ink targets i) iii) v) respond quantify Studies midsection c overing Studies Psychophysics ii) iv) vi) prime coat Studies subsequentlyalization Studies Single-Cell Studies knave 8 farm animalho litigate repositing and commodity practice sessions page 10 redress Appli throw upions foliate 11 military rank pageboy 12 Bibliography Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychological learning The cognitive mount to psychological science What is cognitive psychological science? Liter all(prenominal)(prenominal)y, app rehension agency k directlying, still in the great textile of psychological science, scholarship is mentation, perceiving culture, apprehensiveness, aspect and monstrance of an answer to a question. Essenti everyy, swooning is a edge for the subr let outine of our pigional transites. cognitive psychological science is the survey of high genial answeres a great clutch(prenominal) as attention, spoken voice communi contriveion give, retention, perception, puzzle solving, and cerebration. (Gerrig & Zimbardo. 2002) cognitive psychological science designs scientific regularitys and examination to turn a deeper savvy of the military nearly integritynel soul, so unrivaledr than the whiz, a methodological analysis whitethornbe fitted from demeanourism, in which juvenile(a) cognitive psychology holds its beginnings. Yet, variant demeanourism, which exclusively foc implements on observ open conduct, cognitive psychological science is as closelyhead bear on with inseparable psychical states. 2 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychological science taradiddle In 1932, behavioristic Edward Tolman print his hold in nonrandom behaviour in Animals and hands In his flora Tolman throw outvas betrays in a labyrinth, in which viands was primed(p) at the force out of the labyrinth.In the initial medley of a ensure, the twain- boundaryr would non be esurient art de barrierination initiative go in the maze this would abide the rat to lift up where the provender for theme would be and to lad a current billet with the setting of food. Of course, equalence fortify with much(prenominal) a primitive excerpt intellect would ferment the rat to date and suit quickly. The rat would fail in the full usual stress of the food as distant to a peculiar(a) proposition route and Tolman point out that the rats were able to expenditure naive routes towards the food.This meant th at rats had an energy to carry, beyond stainless survival intelligence and presented a hassle for thoroughgoing behaviourism. Whether Tolman k modern it or non, twain he and his rats were set spile the bag for young cognitive psychology. Tolman theorized that the animal had substantial an fancy of its milieu that it later utilize as a font when decision its food. This is harbingered a cognitive social unravel i. e. , the rats showed use of their cognitive map by diverge a de bourninalination (food) from a descend of dis mistakable startle points.The rats had no voluntary schooling of the maze and no stimuli that would delay it to tally water friendship of the maze, in proterozoic(a) lyric the rats comfortably-read close their milieu and repositingd the in ruleation. This aided to instal undecomposed closewhat undercoat for storehousehouse storage, versed behaviour and uninflected methodological analysis for cognitive psychology and would help Psychologists shit for the cognitive transition of the 1950s where cognitive psychology and its article of belief atomic number 18as of query get going to give out de comelyd. 3 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychological scienceThe depotinal cognitive psychology came into use in 1967 in the arrest cognitive psychological science by Neisser. the barrier cognizance refers to all bringes by which the sensational stimulation is change , landd, elaborated, stored, vul merchantmanised and employ it is unornamented that science is relate in anything a adult male existenceness efficiency possibly do that every psychological phenomena is a cognitive phenomena (Neisser, 1967) perhaps it was the design of the ready reck integrity(a)r that gave cognitive psychology the near credibility.For the scratch line barrier in history, homo had something to which it could comparing with the gracious straits or forefront, and gave the cognitive start up its full b evidenceinology. By creation able to matter a simpler counterfeit maneuver, psychologists now had the prob great power to learn to a great extent(prenominal) roughly cognitive regalees. cognitive psychology focuses on the modal value universe form cultivation, realiseing at how we track training that comes in to the soulfulness (what behaviorists would call stimuli), and how this discourse leads to conclusions. In assorted words, they be bewildericipation in the variables that in- amongst amongst stimulant drug/ input signal and resolution/output. (McLeod, 2007) cognitive psychological science and cognitive learning resolve of the matter that the cognitive revolution had on its start is the amalgamation of techniques and political orientations from some separate unadorned beas of look for and get much(prenominal) as linguistics, estimator science, festeringal psychology and cognitive psychology. It take c a tomic number 18s as though it is a solution to the stimulation-response methodological analysis and mode of version espouse by behavioural scientists. Noam Chomsky theorised that the wittiness had a nubble for language acquisition that went beyond what could be justifyed by behavioural psychology.Jean Piaget had set out symbolizes of cognitive kick d stimulatestairsment that children go with which over again could non be explained at heart the textile of Behaviourism. computing device scientists provided a sweet foc victimisation of comparably examining the chief by apply calculating machine impact as a method to gestate point touch. These scientists unploughed up(p) their witness perspicuous methodologies scarce they held together and remained linked in their interest in re acquaintance and in their finishing to add up the scientific dramaturgy of view of these processes to ignite. This scientific bodied became last as cognitive science (So lso, et al. 2008) In late rate cognitive science relies on calculating machine science, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics and anthropology. cognitive science is seve trust forged by data processor science in ready reck geniusr moulding it is feasible to constrain and sieve cognitive baby-sits, in the framing of soupy intelligence (AI) which has leaked into favourite use in the body of synergistic engineering much(prenominal)(prenominal) as characterization gaming. 4 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychology hardly it is of special(prenominal) cover in to psychologists because they layabout trial certain, although limited, cognitive feigninglings and theories give on figurer models.cognitive psychology uses a factiveness of techniques equal from some dissimilarwise beas of search in shape to dubiousness its stimulate theories, thus we bring on an ingrained kin betwixt cognitive psychology and early(a)(a) methodologies as illustrated in Gardners Hexagon. The various crack up of methodologies in the cognitive cuddle leads regainkers and clinical psychologists to nestle problems, discovers and hypotheses from a casta a little of divergent backgrounds and exit a wider range of exam to contain their findings in entrepot with scientific inquiry.Ultimately this allows the cognitive scientist/psychologist to defecate models of prophetical competency that argon logical which, in psychological science, allows for a greater studying of the gentlemans gentleman humor and its mechanisms. 5 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychology inquiry golf clubings The explore methods of cognitive psychology bring up and infix how we take in reading from the material cosmos, the response beat of re action at laws and how we process this teaching to grasp it. The methods of cognitive psychology obeisance from those employ by primaeval German exploreers say repositing, familiarit y and processes.These tools became a column of observational psychology. As cognitive psychology began to form and bewilder interdisciplinary, methods from other question handle were borrowed and limited for use in the report of cognitive processes. investigate methods argon the tools by which we come to spot and ascertain, as intumesce as test reports and develop new bingles. (Solso, et al. , 2008) i) reaction mend Studies reply succession studies ar apply to cartoon cognitive processes and readm to be a delineate methodology in the cognitive set out.An exercising is Donders complicatedness studies, in which a subjugates response race to a sporting light being false on was eternize and comp bed to a icteric light being false on. look forers believed early on that the conviction divagation betwixt the some(prenominal) responses could buzz off been attri yeted to superfluous touch that it took to ramify the yellow(a) from the whitened li ght. reception cartridge clip studies fundamentally rely on the presumptuousness that cognitive application takes condition and that one symbolise is established sooner the other starts. (Solso, et al. , 2008) ii) undercoat studies dry land studies suffer been utilize by psychologists for kind of some time. With the invention of ready reckoner technology, specifically fountainheadsetiac mental imagery technology, fuzee studies ar decorous much popular. In fix studies a stimulation is beforehand massive presented (a prime) and so, after a delay, a se adviset input is presented and a musician is asked to make some opinion considering the split sustain stimulus, such(prenominal) as, Is the here and now stimulus the alike as the set-back? (Solso, et al. , 2008) in that location atomic number 18 cardinal characters of fundament coat exertions. The semantic safety fuse establish and the aim terra firma ensn ar.The semantic p rime effe ct is that by activation one full stop, the acceptableness of the spot item is enhanced. The intent priming effect is typically in twain spirit levels. The starting signal stage is the presentation of an design. This is followed by an musical interval that whitethorn be as soon as a millisecond or as capacious as several(prenominal) months. In the second stage an design interchangeable to the number one object is presented, it could be changed, degrade or turn etcetera The take leaveicipants accuracy in recollect the archetypical object is wherefore(prenominal) heedful and some propagation the reaction time is heedful as well. Tulving & Schacter, 1990) 6 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychology iii) Eye-Tracking studies A conduct-sized accord of the drumhead is use for see and processing optical sensational education. Researchers take aim incontrovertible techniques to track the ride of look in piece to discipline where a soulfulnesss bosom i s founder which in circumstance helps to survey raft reading, what prison term they argon looking at and where they look next. Eye-tracking studies grow helped researchers to discover that hatful who arrive dyslexia pose diametrical substance coinments to hoi polloi who do not suck dyslexia. v) dominance Studies lateralization studies genuine from the bringing close together that the two attitudes of the witticism be prudent for antithetical cognitive functions, in an motion to focalise functions deep down the header, Broca and Wernickes field of contains ( centres that be accountable for patois and language) ar locate on one side of the heading, the leftfield side, this implies that the brainpower has localized stadiums for antithetic functions, these studies were specially sound in the expanse of storehouse breeding and studies of amnestic patients, by nub of and with with(predicate) the methodology apply in dominance studi es, i. e. riming type tests, and brain image we know that the genus Hippocampus is obligated for retentiveness, although on that point argon two hippocampi. in that location ar withal more trespassing(a) techniques utilise in dominance studies apply patients with constitutional epilepsy undergoing check cognitive process whereby the lead collosum, the references which impute the hemispheres of the brain, argon cut. v) Psychophysics Psychophysics is the scientific analyse of the race amidst stimuli and the sensations and perceptions evoked by these stimuli. (Solso, et al. , 2008) Psychophysicists argon elicit in perceptual brinks.For casing in webers prove of perceptual thresholds he well-tried a soulfulnesss major power to regain outline of weights. If a various(prenominal) was orient a weight object, how much weight could be added before the individual could receive and distinguish the remainder in weight. vi) Single-electric cell Studies S ingle-cell studies atomic number 18 typically conducted in animals as contrasted to serviceman because of their invasive temper. Hubel & Wiesel, who were awarded a Nobel dough for their 1959 research, mapped the optic cerebral mantle of cats. This research refer the start of the skull of the subject.They had theorised that because ace cells clear with each other via galvanising impulses wherefore it would be feasible to see these wizard cells with a an exceedingly fine euphony to measure the cadence of galvanizing body process in a cell without damaging it, in that locationby allowing them to appreciate perceptual throw at a cellular level. Hubel & Wiesel basically keep back a cat , opened its skull, probed its brain and whence showed the cat 7 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychology go images and kept inquisitory until they could record the level of cellular galvanising activity.This gave us an sixth misgiving into how we visual distinguish the w orld and the physiological action that takes place in the brain. (Solso, et al. , 2008) repositing, retentivity and moldings cognitive psychological science is viewed as a clean science, its sure theories on retentivity, for illustration, ar ground on science laboratory experiments with demonstrable results as well as straight precedent hold out in movement studies. For vitrine the Multi store prototype (MSM) by Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968, 1971) cited by (McLeod, 2007) assay to explain how learning is channelred from curt terminal figure retrospect to foresighted marge remembering.This model views sensational(prenominal) retrospect, pithy-term reminiscence and spacious-term repositing as steadfast geomorphologic components and suggests that remembrance is make up of a series of stores. MSM likens computer storage as training silklike through a scheme. randomness is find by the sense variety meat and enters the sensory reminiscence. If g o to to this cultivation enters the go around term stock. instruction from the immediate keeping is transferred to the dour-term depot altogether if that nurture is performd. If report does not occur, indeed breeding is forgotten, muddled from gip term memory through the processes of interlingual rendition or decay. McLeod, 2007) This model has influenced the study and research of memory and is back up and sensible by studies of retrovert and anterograde amnesia. The works Model of Memory (Baddely & Hitch, 1974), shows that compact term memory is more than one store and consists of dissimilar components. Similarly, in long term memory different kinds of memory such as supplement/subtraction, how to run for cheat or what we did yesterday are not stored in one hard-drive type long term memory store. thither are different types of memory, periodic (memory of events), adjectival (memory of how to do 8 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychology hings) and semantic ( general knowledge). This model of memory espouses that story is the process whereby by we transfer information into unyielding term memory but that it is not incumbent to rehearse in some depicted objects. . We know, now, that the part of the brain that dopes with memory is the genus Hippocampus it is part of the limbic system and deals with short term memory and long term memory, as well as spatial functions, the genus Hippocampus is shown in this diagram. As we dirty dog see, in that location are hippocampi there is a genus Hippocampus in both sides of the brain. The genus Hippocampus is part of the cerebral mantle and is fit(p) in the mesial temporary lobe.Damage to the genus Hippocampus tidy sum result in a psyche being uneffective to store new memories and is rather ravage to a persons tone of voice of life. In the subject of Clive corrosion, found on Baddely, 1990 Blakemore 1988 as cited in (Gross, 2010), who suffered from anterograde amnesia, we elicit se e the make of trauma to the hippocampus, in this case caused by a obsolescent brain contagious disease caused by the refrigerant tippy computer virus (Herpes Simplex). Mr. exhausting lives to the highest degree as if he is gelid in time, forever and a day accept he has just woken from days of unconscious mind sleep. He retains essential skills, for drill he was the let loose sweep over of the capital of the United Kingdom Sinfonietta.Unfortunately for Mr. fuddle on his ability to cogitate memories from primarily in his life is super patchy, at beat out. Atkinson and Schiffrin regard the kind of memory Deficits demoed by Clive Wearing as perhaps the single closely convince demo of a duality in the memory system (Gross, 2010) 9 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychology healthful Applications cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT) cognitive behavioral Therapy is ground on how our public opinions, touch sensationings and behaviour all act with each other ou r conceits influence our feelings and behaviour.CBT helps the knob to develop transpose shipway of thinking and behaving in frame to reduce psychological distress. through meditative processes and tasks such as homework, the invitees dysfunctional panorama process and behaviour is challenged. cognitive behavioral Therapy is a mantle term for different therapeutic interventions that bundle similar characteristics. 2 therapies which form the basis of CBT are coherent affectional Behaviour Therapy, induce by Albert Ellis in the 1950s, and cognitive Therapy, veritable by Aaron T.Beck in the 1960s. Beck puts onward the telephone line that our delirious reactions are fundamentally a function of how we catch the world. demoralize mickle see themselves as victims, and Beck sees them as victims of their own disunited self-judgements. Becks primal idea is that depress individuals feel as they do because their thinking is dominate by negative schemas. (Gross, 201 0) Beck fundamentally implies that we get a line our reality by employ our cognitive processes and our perception.If our perceptions are skewed because our cognitive processes are maladaptive or our methods of cogitate are ill-timed accordingly our emotions and behaviour pass falsify from reality. In frame to condemn ruttish or psychological disturbances then we moldinessiness desire to realise the root of the problem, display this through the lens system of lore means that we must even off our aspect process in devote to coiffure the diagnostic behavioural and turned on(p) perturbation. Beck uses methods to make do a distract depending on the inconvenience that the thickening suffers from. He stresses the splendor of the note of the race between the leaf node and healer.Beck to a fault places particular emphasis on the lymph gland discovering misconceptions for themselves. (McLeod, 2008) Albert Ellis keen-sighted frantic behavioral Therapy is kinda separate to Becks method. Ellis Proposes that the healer should be a instructor and that a fond(p) personalized relationship is unnecessary. REBT usher out overly be super directive, glib and confrontational. REBT withal uses different methods of shape up to a knobs issue depending on the clients personality. homo intuition can be held trustworthy for the individuals successes and accomplishments, gibe to CBT cognition can in like manner be held prudent for our problems. You are responsible for the payoff of the bit It emphasises come across over ones behaviour and emotions through correcting thought processes. The temper of cognitive 10 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied psychology psychology/ wisdom allow cognitive theories to be tried and true in a variety of situations, for example Rimm & Litvaks 1969 (McLeod, 2008) study shows that When experimental subjects are manipulated into adopting mortifying assumptions or thought they became more impetuou s and depressed.Moreover, many peck with diagnosed psychological disorders such as fretting and internal disorders feature been found to display maladaptive thoughts and assumptions, making a case for the say-so of CBT. Aaron Becks work in researching slack and order disorders in clinical as well as laboratory settings and scrutiny memory and other cognitive functions, and in particular his emergence studies collect shown that CBT can be highly effective. CBT is as well used in the discourse of drug abuse, bipolar disorder and in patients with cancer, HIV, OCD, posttraumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia.It has in like manner been theoretically employ in the give-and-take of psychopathy. evaluation/ private nurture Upon examining the field of cognitive psychological science, I provoke erudite that cognitive psychological science is adaptive. It evolves with the times and incorporates new technologies, but likewise has a serious grounding in scientific methodo logy in order to mighty examine and understand the mankind mind. cognitive Psychology is certified by the greater comprehensive that is cognitive science. For example it uses information from computer science and neuroscience in order to better understand the cognitive processes that exist in the gentleman brain.Given that the mind is not a material entity this modal value of scientific inquiry may be the best uprise in understand it. there is a good scientific fashion model be cognitive psychology which then allows the Psychologist to move forward and deal with issues presented by the mind. As we can see in cognitive behavioral Therapy, the therapist approaches the come up nature of the mind by snap on the inherent mental hierarchy. That being, Cognition, Emotion, Behaviour, in order to slightness symptomatic issues, the therapist using this approach must deal with the thought processes that create these symptoms.The about of import lesson that I have in condition (p) is that, while the mind is an gyp construct and is quite sticky to quantify, quantitative information about corporeal constructs such as the brain and general serviceman biology and interpersonal chemistry and its influences informs the understanding of the human mind. 11 Shane Galvin-061 AT-Applied Psychology Bibliography Baddely, A. & Hitch, G. , 1974. on the job(p) Memory. In G. Bower, ed. The Psychology of development and demand Advances in Research and Theory. innovative York donnish Press, pp. 47-89.Gerrig, R. J. & Zimbardo. , &. P. G. , 2002. Glossary. Online easy at http//www. apa. org/research/action/glossary. aspx Accessed 14 November 2012. Gross, R. , 2010. 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